Indonesia - Remote West Papuan Islands Cruise I 2024

21 Oct 2024 - 03 Nov 2024 (14 days)

USD10,595 - 1 Space Available

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Tour Leader: Glen Valentine

Tour price (Per person): USD10,595 * GBP8,118 * EUR9,773 * AUD15,780

Single Supplement: USD9,995 * GBP7,658 * EUR9,219 * AUD14,887

Can be linked with:

Indonesia - Remote West Papuan Islands Cruise II 2024

03 Nov 2024 - 16 Nov 2024 (14 days)

USD10,595 - 1 Space Available

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Tour Leader: Glen Valentine


Tour Leader: Paul Varney

Tour price (Per person): USD10,595 * GBP8,118 * EUR9,773 * AUD15,780

Single Supplement: USD9,995 * GBP7,658 * EUR9,219 * AUD14,887

Can be linked with: Indonesia - Buru Extension II 2024

Indonesia - Remote West Papuan Islands Cruise I 2025

20 Oct 2025 - 02 Nov 2025 (14 days)

USD10,595 - No Spaces Available

Wait List

Tour Leader: Dušan Brinkhuizen


Tour Leader: Glen Valentine

Tour price (Per person): USD10,595 * GBP8,118 * EUR9,773 * AUD15,780

Single Supplement: USD9,995 * GBP7,658 * EUR9,219 * AUD14,887

Can be linked with: Indonesia - Buru Extension I 2025

Indonesia - Remote West Papuan Islands Cruise II 2025

07 Nov 2025 - 20 Nov 2025 (14 days)

USD10,595 - No Spaces Available

Wait List

Tour Leader: Dušan Brinkhuizen


Tour Leader: Glen Valentine

Tour price (Per person): USD10,595 * GBP8,118 * EUR9,773 * AUD15,780

Single Supplement: USD9,995 * GBP7,658 * EUR9,219 * AUD14,887

Can be linked with: Indonesia - Buru Extension II 2025

Indonesia - Remote West Papuan Islands Cruise 2026

19 Oct 2026 - 01 Nov 2026 (14 days)

USD11,000 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Nigel Redman


Tour Leader: Paul Varney

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD11,000 * GBP8,428 * EUR10,146 * AUD16,384

Can be linked with: Indonesia - Buru Extension 2026

Our fabulous and exciting Remote West Papuan Island cruise sets out to explore a myriad of isolated islands in this stunning region. We start off with some initial birding in high-quality forest close to Sorong, West Papua, before heading off to Waigeo (one of the famous islands in the Raja Ampat group) and then the very rarely-explored island of Kofiau, where we will seek out some of our planet’s rarest and least-known species. These include such extraordinary gems as Wilson’s Bird-of-paradise (regarded by many as the most spectacular bird on earth!), Red Bird-of-paradise, Kofiau and Red-breasted Paradise Kingfishers and Kofiau Monarch. Thereafter we cross Lydekker’s Line and head into the South Moluccas. Here we explore little-birded waters in addition to visiting several endemic-rich islands including Obi, Seram and Boano, ending in Ambon for many incredibly exciting endemics such as Carunculated Fruit Dove, Moluccan Woodcock, Lazuli Kingfisher, Salmon-crested Cockatoo, Purple-naped Lory, Boano Monarch, Hantu Boobook and Long-crested Myna, to mention but a handful.


Top Birds

Wilson’s, Red, King, Magnificent & Lesser Birds-of-paradise, Magnificent Riflebird, (Obi) Paradise-crow, Glossy-mantled Manucode, Moluccan (Obi) Woodcock, Barred Rail, Beach Stone-curlew, Moluccan Masked Owl, Hantu (Seram) and Papuan Boobooks, Dusky Megapode, Red-billed Brush Turkey, Pygmy Eagle, Spotted Kestrel, Grey-headed Goshawk, Rufous-necked Sparrowhawk, Chinese-crested Tern, Western Crowned Pigeon, Carunculated, Orange-fronted, Dwarf, Claret-breasted, Scarlet-breasted & Coroneted Fruit Dove, Spice, Spectacled, Seram & Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon, Seram Mountain Pigeon, Salmon-crested and Palm Cockatoos, Black, Red, Violet-necked (Scaled), Blue-eared & Purple-naped Lory, Moluccan King & Great-billed Parrots, Orange-breasted & Large Fig Parrots, Red-flanked Lorikeet, Red-breasted & Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot, Marbled Frogmouth, Moluccan Scops Owl, Moluccan Cuckoo, Dwarf Koel, Black-billed Coucal, Kofiau & Red-breasted Paradise Kingfishers, Lazuli, Blue-and-white & Blue-black Kingfishers, Moluccan & Papuan Dwarf Kingfishers, Papuan & North Moluccan Pittas, Wallace's & Emperor Fairywrens, Kofiau, Golden & Black-chinned (Boano) Monarchs, Black-sided Robin, Black Berrypecker, Black-browed & Rufous-bellied Trillers, Moluccan & Golden Cuckooshrikes, Black & Pale Cicadabirds, Raja Ampat & Southern Variable Pitohuis, Brown-headed & Violet Crows, Northern Golden & Seram Golden Bulbuls, Grey-collared (Seram) Oriole, Spotted, Olive & Seram Honeyeaters, Drab & Wakolo Myzomelas, Seram Friarbird, Black-chinned, Yellow-throated, Island, Cinnamon-breasted & Drab Whistlers, Streak-breasted Fantail, Grey-hooded, Seram & Ambon White-eyes, Rufescent Darkeye, Cinnamon-chested and Turquoise Flycatchers, Long-crested & Golden Mynas, Moluccan Starling, Halmahera, Ashy & Olive-crowned Flowerpeckers, Streak-headed Mannikin, Papuan Babbler, Yellow-bellied and Pygmy Longbills & Lowland Peltops

Top Mammals

Rothchild's, Waigeo & Common Spotted Cuscus, Moluccan & Spectacled Flying Foxes, Short-finned Pilot Whale, Spinner & Indo-pacific Bottlenose Dolphin

Habitats Covered

primary and secondary moist lowland forest, hill forest, scrub, secondary woodland, islands, coastlines, mangroves, pelagic

Expected Climate

hot and humid with tropical showers in the lowlands. Cooler in the mountains, rain and mist possible

Max Group Size

14 with 2 Rockjumper leaders

Tour Pace & Walking

easy to moderate. Early mornings to maximize the best time of day but midday breaks back at the boat when it heats up. Otherwise time spent cruising.


comfortable ship cabins

Ease of Birding

easy to moderate with some tricky species

Number of Species Expected

230 - 260

Other Attractions

pristine forests, unspoiled reefs, snorkeling, swimming, visiting remote, little explored islands and seeing their associated local communities.

Photographic Opportunities

good to excellent

What our clients say about us

Glen Valentine
SL - Indonesia: Sumatra & Java 2019

This [was] my second tour with Glen Valentine and he is the most professional guide I have ever traveled with. It goes without saying (but shouldn't) that he knew every single species on the tour including all their calls. He found birds when I saw nothing and then managed to get all guests onto the birds. This was impressive in itself, however there were many secretive birds that made guiding much harder. We had few problems on the tour, but I don't doubt that he would have handled it without problem. He is to be highly commended for his guiding on this very tiring trip, especially considering he was not well. Paul was also a really great training guide and I thoroughly enjoyed his company.

Glen Valentine
SP - Indonesia 2019

Glen and Paul did a fantastic job on this tour. Glen is an excellent birder, guide and a wonderful personality. This is the second trip I have done with Glen and hope to join many more in the future.

Glen Valentine
JA & DR, Remote West Papuan Islands 2018

Glen Valentine and Adam Walleyn were superb guides — honestly, they saw birds before they appeared! The local guides were outstanding and the logistics and accommodations were exceptional given our locations.

Keith Valentine
CM, Remote West Papuan Islands Cruise & Buru Extension 2017

This was a fabulous tour! Living on the Seahorse and going ashore each day to explore, in many cases, remote and under-birded locations was a truly exciting and wonderful experience. In addition, it was a fabulous and memorable experience to have Glen and Keith Valentine as leaders. They teamed seamlessly and ensured that everyone had a wonderful and got on to the birds. Oh, and of course, the sight of at least 4 male Wilson's Birds-of-Paradise displaying to multiple females was the stuff of dreams! Truly spectacular! And the local guides and drivers were all great, not forgetting the Skipper and crew of the Seahorse! The Buru extension for the Madanga and some of the owls was also so memorable, as were the few days in West Papua. All things considered, a truly wonderful and memorable tour!

Glen Valentine
NH, Indonesia - West Papua Cruise 2016

I have been on birding trips for many years, but this is the first time with Rockjumper. The trip was easily the best birding trip I have ever been on. In particular, both David and Glen made life so easy and their birding knowledge was remarkable. Other members of the group were very easy to get on with. The birding was quite remarkable and it is difficult to pick out a highlight from the Birds of Paradise, the Chinese Crested Tern or the Madanga. There is no doubt that I will travel with Rockjumper again.

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
