Colombia - Northern Andes: Central Andes 2025

24 Nov 2025 - 01 Dec 2025 (8 days)

USD3,895 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Carlos Bocos

Tour price (Per person): USD3,895 * GBP3,017 * EUR3,612 * AUD5,873

Single Supplement: USD300 * GBP232 * EUR278 * AUD452

Can be linked with: Colombia - Santa Marta 2025

Colombia has more species of birds than any other country - a staggering 1900 species are to be found within the confines of this incredible nation; of which, at least 89 are endemic. This huge diversity of species results from the equally diverse range of habitats: three Andean Cordilleras (Western, Central and Eastern Andes), two inter-Andean valleys (the Cauca and Magdalena Valleys), the lowland forests of the Amazon and Orinoco regions, the isolated snow-capped Santa Marta Mountains, the Pacific and Caribbean coasts, deserts and lakes, and the rich wet forests of the Chocó all help to make it one of the most exciting countries to bird on earth!

Our series of northern Andes tours focus on the bulk of endemics that Colombia has to offer, working our way through the Central and Eastern Andean ranges, Magdalena and Cauca Valleys, as well as the dry Guajira desert and the impressive Santa Marta Mountains.

Our tour of the Central Andes takes in Otun-Quimbaya, Finca Cortaderal, Rio Blanco, Hacienda el Bosque and PNN Los Nevados for Cauca Guan, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Chestnut Wood Quail, Crescent-faced, Brown-banded, Slaty-crowned, Moustached & Bicolored Antpittas, Fuertes’s & Rusty-faced Parrots, Golden-plumed & Rufous-fronted Parakeets, Cocoa Thrush, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Masked Saltator, Black-thighed Puffleg, Golden-crowned Tanager, Buffy Helmetcrest and Viridian Metaltail.

Top Birds

Cauca Guan; Red-ruffed Fruitcrow; Chestnut Wood Quail; Crescent-faced, Brown-banded, Slaty-crowned, Moustached & Bicolored Antpittas; Fuertes’s & Rusty-faced Parrots; Golden-plumed & Rufous-fronted Parakeets; Cocoa Thrush; Crimson-mantled Woodpecker; Masked Saltator; Black-thighed Puffleg; Golden-crowned Tanager; Buffy Helmetcrest; Viridian Metaltail.

Habitats Covered

Cloud forest, elfin forest, paramo, alpine grassland, upper Choco forest, lowland rainforest, stunted forest

Expected Climate

Temperate to cold in highlands (very cold on Los Nevados), hot and humid in lowlands

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader and 1 local leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Moderate. Endemic and target focussed trip. Not suitable for dedicated photographers; inexperienced birders; or anyone with mobility or health challenges.


Comfortable, some lodgings are simple/basic.

Ease of Birding

Moderate. Several skulkers and low-density targets that require repeated efforts.

Number of Species Expected

650+ (complete Northern Andes series)

Other Attractions

spectacular scenery in Los Nevados NP

Photographic Opportunities

Good to good+. Typical forest lighting difficulties. Several feeders.

What our clients say about us

Robert Williams
CA, Colombia 2017

From the several members of the office staff to the actual tour itself, I have nothing but high praise for my Rockjumper experience. This was my first tour with Rockjumper, but I hope it won't be my last. Alison and Sarah were tremendously helpful. Rob Williams is as good a leader as I have ever experienced. He not only knows the birds, but he made sure that we all got to see them, showing patience way beyond what I thought necessary. When one of our participants lost his passport, Rob bent over backwards to help this hapless person, never complaining while doing so. Rob always told us what the plan was for the next day. When Plan A didn't pan out, he had Plan B ready. If something went askew, he handled it with aplomb, always keeping his sense of humour. Did I mention he showed us wonderful birds? Oh, we saw some beautiful ones!

Robert Williams
BA, Colombia 2017

Rob Williams and the Rockjumper folks were absolutely fantastic in helping me after I lost my passport. They made sure I got back to Bogota for the embassy appointments, changing plans on the fly. Very impressive dedication to help customers.

Forrest Rowland
DP - Colombia 2019

No one beats Rockjumper and Forrest Rowland for running wonderful trips. The logistics are incredible and involving so many Colombians to get us places and up steep trails were amazing. Thanks to all involved at Rockjumper for making this trip possible.

Tuomas Seimola
DM, Colombia 2019

Tuomas was an excellent guide and organizer.

Adam Walleyn
JS, Colombia 2023

This was an excellent opportunity to see a part of Colombia that I hadnt visited. It was a vigorous schedule, as predicted; fortunately, participants could opt out of activities if they preferred. Our guides were both top rate, with complementary strengths. The result was a lot of birds, particularly endemics, seen. Accommodations were appropriate to each area. The van and driver were superb.

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