Brazil - Amazon Rainforest Extension I 2025

10 Aug 2025 - 15 Aug 2025 (6 days)

BRL16,595 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: David Hoddinott

Tour price (Per person): BRL16,595 * USD3,041 * GBP2,318 * EUR2,769 * AUD4,458

Single Supplement: BRL2,000 * USD366 * GBP279 * EUR334 * AUD537

Flight costs: BRL1,120 * USD205 * GBP156 * EUR187 * AUD301

Can be linked with: Brazil - Pantanal: Birds & Wildlife I 2025

Brazil - Amazon Rainforest Extension II 2025

30 Aug 2025 - 04 Sep 2025 (6 days)

BRL16,595 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: David Hoddinott

Tour price (Per person): BRL16,595 * USD3,041 * GBP2,318 * EUR2,769 * AUD4,458

Single Supplement: BRL2,000 * USD366 * GBP279 * EUR334 * AUD537

Flight costs: BRL1,120 * USD205 * GBP156 * EUR187 * AUD301

Can be linked with: Brazil - Pantanal: Birds & Wildlife II 2025

Brazil - Amazon Rainforest Extension (Small Group) 2025

13 Sep 2025 - 18 Sep 2025 (6 days)

BRL18,595 - 4 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Alexander Alvarado

Tour price (Per person): BRL18,595 * USD3,407 * GBP2,597 * EUR3,103 * AUD4,995

Single Supplement: BRL2,000 * USD366 * GBP279 * EUR334 * AUD537

Flight costs: BRL1,120 * USD205 * GBP156 * EUR187 * AUD301

Can be linked with: Brazil - Pantanal: Birds & Wildlife (Small Group) 2025

Brazil - Amazon Rainforest Extension I 2026

09 Aug 2026 - 14 Aug 2026 (6 days)

BRL17,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Alexander Alvarado

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): BRL17,300 * USD3,170 * GBP2,416 * EUR2,887 * AUD4,647

Can be linked with: Brazil - Pantanal: Birds & Wildlife I 2026

Brazil - Amazon Rainforest Extension II 2026

29 Aug 2026 - 03 Sep 2026 (6 days)

BRL17,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Alexander Alvarado

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): BRL17,300 * USD3,170 * GBP2,416 * EUR2,887 * AUD4,647

Can be linked with: Brazil - Pantanal: Birds & Wildlife II 2026

Brazil - Amazon Rainforest Extension (Small Group) 2026

12 Sep 2026 - 17 Sep 2026 (6 days)

BRL19,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Paul Varney

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): BRL19,300 * USD3,537 * GBP2,695 * EUR3,220 * AUD5,184

Can be linked with: Brazil - Pantanal: Birds & Wildlife (Small Group) 2026

Our Amazon Rainforest Birding Extension takes us to the soon to be famous Thaimacu Lodge. Here we will explore the trails and waterways while also scanning from a productive canopy tower in search of Bald Parrot, Razor-billed Curassow, Zigzag Heron, Cryptic Forest Falcon, Curl-crested Aracari, Rufous-faced and Bare-eyed Antbirds, and Fiery-capped, Flame-crested and Band-tailed Manakins to name just a few of the special species we hope to see! 

This is a highly recommended addition to our Brazil – Birds & Wildlife of the Pantanal & Cerrado tour for anyone wishing to maximize their time in this vast and beautiful country!


Top Birds

Bald Parrot; Cryptic Forest Falcon; Zigzag & Agami Herons; Dark-winged Trumpeter; Razor-billed Curassow; Kawall’s Amazon; Crimson-bellied & Santarem Parakeets; Collared, Rufous-necked & Brown-banded Puffbirds; Paradise Jacamar; Amazonian Pygmy Owl; Gould’s Toucanet; Black-girdled Barbet; Pavonine Quetzal; Glossy Antshrike; Bare-eyed Antbird; Xingu Scale-backed Antbird; Curve-billed Scythebill; Tooth-billed Wren; Snow-capped, Flame-crested & Fiery-capped Manakins; Alta Floresta Antpitta; Scaled Ground Cuckoo (rare); Pompadour & Spangled Cotingas; Curl-crested & Red-necked Aracaris; Channel-billed & White-throated Toucans; Long-billed Woodcreeper; Amazonian Umbrellabird; White-browed Hawk; Harpy & Crested Eagles (both rare, but occasionally seen from the towers).

Top Mammals

Southern Tamandua; Giant & Neotropical Otters; South American Tapir; South American Coati; White-whiskered Spider Monkey; Spotted Paca; Jaguar (rare), Puma (rare).

Habitats Covered

rainforest trails and canopy, primary tropical forest, mixed savanna with granite outcrops, wetland, and seasonally flooded forest

Expected Climate

warm to hot and humid

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader & local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Moderate. Suitable for all birding / wildlife interest levels and mobility capabilities.


Comfortable to very comfortable.

Ease of Birding

Moderate. Most species provide good visuals in open conditions, more challenging on the Amazon Extension.

Number of Species Expected


Photographic Opportunities

Good to excellent. Lots of feeders & opportunities by boat.

What our clients say about us

Robert Williams
JH, Brazil 2018

Rob Williams was helpful above and beyond the call by going out of his way to make it an enjoyable tour.

Tuomas Seimola
DB & PB, Brazil 2022

Very productive and relaxing tour

Tuomas Seimola
IS - Manaus 2022

Guides - in addition to Tuomas we a great local guide - whose bird-finding skills were fully up to Rockjumper standards, so had all the resources needed to get us onto the birds. Highlight of the trip was undoubtedly birding in comfort and style on the river cruise section. Being paddled in a canoe through flooded varzea forest must be the height of birding luxury. Land-based sections of the tour were also rewarding despite the inevitable heat and chiggers (fortunately minimal rain). Overall a very satisfying tour, with more lifers for me than on a longer trip to Colombia in 2019 that also included Amazonian habitat on the Vaupes River. A great bunch of people too.

Robert Wilcox
JG & AS - Pantanal 2022

We really appreciated our trip. Our Rockjumper guide, Bobby Wilcox, and the local guides were awesome; always on the lookout for new birds and other animals, even on the long drives. The organization was flawless, the lodges were great and perfectly located. Our triplist and lifers goals were exceeded! The group was great and always well controlled by Bobby. Very well done! Our long sighting of a female jaguar was certainly the peak of this trip !!!

Lev Frid
PJ - Pantanal 2022

Lev was a well kept secret from Rock Jumper ....incredible birder , bird guide, and overall naturalist . Would book another trip with Lev

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
