
Worldwide Birding Adventures

© Fischer's lovebird by Adam Riley
5 Reasons To Visit The Forgotten Islands [#2: Auckland Island’s Carnley Harbour]

5 Reasons To Visit The Forgotten Islands [#2: Auckland Island’s Carnley Harbour]

In light of our upcoming New Zealand Subantarctic Island Cruise, we decided to provide 5 great reasons to visit the #ForgottenIslands! Here is Reason #2... #2: Auckland Island’s Carnley Harbour To the south of the Auckland Island archipelago is a very large, sheltered harbour, abounding in fascinating human history that covers...

The Amur Migration

The Amur Migration

Current technology limits the non-stop flight time of a commercial aircraft to 17½ hours. However, in the avian world, there’s a flight that’s even longer – one that’s just recently started to be monitored by conservationists. Namely, the very impressive long distance migration of Amur Falcons as they fly continuously...