Terms and Conditions

This page contains a number of key points that you should be aware of when signing up for a tour

© Yellow-breasted Tit By Yoav Perlman

Reservation Requirements - T&Cs are downloadable only


This document contains a number of key points that you should be aware of when signing up for a tour with Rockjumper Birding Limited (hereafter referred to as ‘RBL’.) The terms and conditions set out the basis of the contract between RBL and the participant and those on whose behalf the participant has signed for on the booking form. Please read our booking conditions before completing the booking form.



  • A completed RBL Booking Form.
  • US$800 per person deposit for the main tour.
  • US$500 per person deposit per extension.
  • Full payment is required if your booking is made <4 months before the start of the Tour.

Gorilla permits

If you require a gorilla tracking permit in Uganda or Rwanda, please add an additional non-refundable US$800 (Uganda)/US$1500 (Rwanda) to your deposit. It is important to note that the Gorilla permits are subject to availability and therefore it is imperative that you inform the Rockjumper office upon signing up for the Uganda or Rwanda tour that you require a permit.



  • A completed RBL Booking Form.
  • A completed Expedition Booking Form (where required).
  • Payment of a non-refundable US$2,000 deposit per person, or 25% of Cruise price.
  • Payment of a non-refundable US$500 per person deposit per extension.
  • Final payment is due 150 days prior to departure. If not received on time, Rockjumper Birding Limited reserves the right to cancel your trip.
  • Full payment is required if your booking is made earlier than 5 months before the start of the Tour.



  • A completed RBL Booking Form.
  • A completed Quark Personal Information Form.
  • A 25% non-refundable deposit of the cabin price per person, to be submitted within 7 days of booking.
  • Final payment is due 150 days prior to departure, if not received on time, RBL reserves the right to cancel your trip. Final documentation will not be issued unless the completed Medical Information form is received.
  • If the booking is made within 150 days of the tour departure date, full payment is required.


We will book and buy airline tickets for your domestic flights for the Tour (if domestic flights are required). The costs for the domestic flights MUST be paid together with your deposit. Booking requests with deposits will be considered in order of their receipt. Telephonic or e-mail requests will not be treated as bookings until the appropriate booking form and deposit is paid. RBL / RBT reserves the right to decline any booking at its discretion.


This document contains a number of key points that you should be aware of when signing up for a tour with Rockjumper Birding Tours CC (hereafter referred to as ‘RBT’.) The terms and conditions set out the basis of the contract between RBT and the participant and those on whose behalf the participant has signed for on the booking form. Please read our booking conditions before completing the booking form.


  • A completed RBT Booking Form.
  • US$800 per person deposit for the main tour.
  • US$500 per person deposit per extension.
  • Full payment is required if your booking is made <4 month before the start of the Tour.


We will book and buy airline tickets for your domestic flights for the Tour (if domestic flights are required). The costs for the domestic flights MUST be paid together with your deposit. Booking requests with deposits will be considered in order of their receipt. Telephonic or e-mail requests will not be treated as bookings until the appropriate booking form and deposit is paid. RBT reserves the right to decline any booking at its discretion.