Peru - Southern: Classic Andes & Manu Road 2025

24 May 2025 - 06 Jun 2025 (14 days)

USD6,495 - No Spaces Available


Tour Leader: Adam Walleyn

Tour price (Per person): USD6,495 * GBP5,027 * EUR6,004 * AUD10,403

Single Supplement: USD650 * GBP503 * EUR601 * AUD1,041

Flight costs: USD110 * GBP85 * EUR102 * AUD176

Can be linked with: Peru - Southern: Lima & Ancash Extension 2025

Peru - Southern: Classic Andes & Manu Road 2026

30 Apr 2026 - 13 May 2026 (14 days)

USD6,800 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Lev Frid

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD6,800 * GBP5,263 * EUR6,286 * AUD10,891

Can be linked with: Peru - Southern: Lima & Ancash Extension 2026

Peru - Southern: Classic Andes & Manu Road 2027

18 May 2027 - 31 May 2027 (14 days)

USD6,900 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: David Hoddinott

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated, and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD6,900 * GBP5,340 * EUR6,378 * AUD11,052

Can be linked with: Peru - Southern: Machu Picchu Extension 2027

Moving from Lima to Cusco for our Classic Andes and Manu Road tour, we will take in the scenic Apurimac River valley - the source of the mighty Amazon, the world’s largest river system - in search of some highly localised and rarely seen endemics including Apurimac Spinetail and Apurimac Brushfinch. A full day up the might Abra Malaga will take our breath away – quite literally! The remnant patches of polylepis forest host both Tawny and endemic, White-breasted Tit-Spinetails, exhibitionist Stripe-headed Antpitta, endemic Junín Canastero, Puna Tapaculo, Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant, Blue-mantled Thornbill, and Red-rumped Bush Tyrant.

Returning to Cusco, we climb the famous Manu Road before descending the eastern Andean slopes, birding through temperate zones and montane cloud forest, offering chances for an incredible variety of exceptional species, including Cerulean-capped and Yungas Manakins, Rufous-capped Thornbill, Crested and Golden-headed Quetzals, Blue-banded Toucanet, Spotted Barbtail, the outrageous Amazonian Umbrellabird, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Inca Flycatcher, Saffron-crowned Tanager, Golden-eyed Flowerpiercer and Peruvian Piedtail. We will also visit an Andean Cock-of-the-rock lek, where numerous males sometimes congregate and perform their strange mating ritual! With persistence, night birding in this area might yield the uncommon Napo and Rufescent Screech Owls, Rufous-banded Owl, Lyre-tailed Nightjar and possibly even Andean Potoo.

Top Birds

Andean Condor; White-rumped & White-throated Hawks; Puna & Andean Ibis; Blue-headed Macaw; Mitred & Andean Parakeets; Versicolored Barbet; Yungas Pygmy Owl; Lyre-tailed & Swallow-tailed Nightjars; Andean Potoo; Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan; Southern Mountain Cacique; Andean Cock-of-the-rock; Crested & Golden-headed Quetzals; Yungas, Fiery-capped, Round-tailed & Cerulean-capped Manakins; Lanceolated Monklet; White-throated, Undulated, Stripe-headed, Urubamba, Thrush-like & chances for Red-and-white Antpittas; White-capped Dipper; Black-streaked Puffbird; Amazonian Umbrellabird; Scaled & Band-tailed Fruiteaters; Bolivian Tyrannulet; Inca Flycatcher; Koepcke’s Hermit; Sword-billed, Giant, Green-and-white, White-bellied & Oasis Hummingbirds; White-tufted Sunbeam; Great Sapphirewing; Scaled Metaltail; Bearded Mountaineer; Rufous-webbed Brilliant; Rufous-capped, Blue-mantled & Purple-backed Thornbills; Peruvian Piedtail; Inca Wren; Cuzco Warbler; Apurimac, Marcapata, & Creamy-crested Spinetails; White-breasted Tit-Spinetail; Parodi’s Hemispingus; Puna & Vilcabamba Thistletails; Peruvian Treehunter; Puna, Diademed, Trilling & chances for Vilcabamba Tapaculos; Rusty-fronted, Junin, Ayacucho (Pale-tailed) & Streak-throated Canasteros; chances for Royal Cinclodes; Streak-fronted Thornbird; Plumbeous Tyrant; Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant; Kalinowski’s Chat-Tyrant; Many-colored Rush Tyrant; Giant, Blue-backed & White-browed Conebills; Black-faced & Tit-like Dacnis; Moustached & Golden-eyed Flowerpiercers; Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager; Paradise, Saffron-crowned, Golden-collared, Rust-and-yellow & Grass-green Tanagers; Andean Negrito; Peruvian Sierra Finch; Chestnut-breasted Mountain Finch; Apurimac & Cuzco Brushfinches.

Top Mammals

Tayra; Brown-throated Sloth; Saddle-back Tamarin; White-fronted & Large-headed Capuchins; Bolivian Squirrel Monkey; Geoffroy’s Woolly Monkey; Brown Titi Monkey; Bolivian & Southern Amazon Red Squirrels; Long-tailed Weasel; White-lipped Peccary; White-tailed Deer.

Habitats Covered

humid montane forest, foothill forest, tropical forest, high altitude lakes, polylepis forest

Expected Climate

cold to cool in the highlands, hot & humid in the lowlands

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader

Tour Pace & Walking

MODERATE TO CHALLENGING: This tour requires a good level of fitness, stamina, and overall health. It’s best suited for experienced birders who are comfortable with a more active itinerary. Please note that it may not be ideal for avid photographers, new birders, or those with mobility or health concerns.

moderate, with some long drives and high altitude



Ease of Birding

moderate with some challenging species

Other Attractions

Cusco (the historical Incan capital city of Peru), Apurimac River valley (source of the Amazon), visiting an Andean Cock-of-the-rock lek

Photographic Opportunities


What our clients say about us

Robert Williams
PM, Peru

Rob Williams is the best guide I have ever birded with - wonderful birding and people skills.

Lev Frid
GM, Peru 2023

This tour and the extension tour were exceptional. Of course the birds were a real pleasure to view, scenery was unbelievable, food and lodging were excellent. The main highlight were the people. A wonderful, fun group to be with. Hope I see everyone on another trip. The driver not only carried us many miles safely, he did so many other things for us, making certain getting out of bus safely, setting up for meals, and on and on. The local guide got us onto so many birds with his x-ray vision (seemed that way) and was helpful in so many ways. He and the driver were simply put, very nice people. I addition to his obvious bird locating and identification skills, Lev has exceptional people skills with his attentiveness and humor. I had a problem with the altitude one day. I wa., to put it simply.. very slow..lots of breaks. Lev was with the whole way and made certain I was OK. I am very appreciative for that. Thanks again. Its things like that, to me, that makes a guide exceptional. Lev is an exceptional guide. Now to the office team. Wow. Tia and Sarah were so helpful to me with all the questions I had. Not only do they have the answers. the answers come quickly. And I thank them for their patience. As usual, a wonderful job. Thanks again. Lastly, to the Peruvian people, the tour group, the guides, drivers, cooks, office staff and to many others. Thank you. Take care everyone.

Robert Williams
SB - Peru

It is terrific to have a bilingual guide in any country and one who knows the history and culture of the country is even better, thanks Rob! As always, terrific eyes, ears and birding skills.

Robert Williams
GW, Peru 2022

This is my first birdwatching tour organized by a company such as Rockjumper, but I have been on tours organized by my local Naturalist Society. Both Rob and Miguel were excellent. They worked extremally hard to keep everyone happy, find as many species as possible and get everyone onto each sighting.

Robert Williams
JH & CH, Southern Peru

Our guide, Rob Williams, was exceptionally well qualified, good humoured in all circumstances and remarkably diligent in accommodating all levels of birding skills within our group. He went out of his way to make sure that each member of the group realised their expectations for the trip. We would welcome the opportunity to join him on additional trips; he is a quality individual with sound values and a superb representative of Rockjumper Birding Tours.

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Route Map

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