Tour Leader: Erik Forsyth
Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change* Egypt increased antiquity entrance fees and tourist levies by approximately 50% as of mid 2023
Tour price (Per person): USD11,400 * GBP8,809 * EUR10,516 * AUD18,113
Tour Leader: Mark Beevers
Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated, and dates may change* Egypt increased antiquity entrance fees and tourist levies by approximately 50% as of mid 2023
Tour price (Per person): USD11,900 * GBP9,195 * EUR10,977 * AUD18,907
Our Egypt – Birding & Antiquities tour is timed to coincide with the peak of the annual bird migration between Africa and Eurasia, when thousands of storks and raptors, waders and a plethora of passing passerines make birdwatching here easy and enjoyable. Even whilst exploring the ancient tombs, we will be ticking off birds etched in life-like detail thousands of years ago! Our itinerary will also take us to sites for resident birds, including Al-Fayoum Oasis, the Eastern and Western Deserts, the Sinai Peninsula, Red Sea islands, Crocodile Island and the great Aswan Dam. Here we will be searching for specials such as Spotted and Crowned Sandgrouse, Greater Painted Snipe, Sooty and White-eyed Gulls, Pharaoh Eagle-Owl, Greater Hoopoe-Lark, Nile Valley and Palestine Sunbirds and the beautiful Sinai Rosefinch.
The superb and easy birding, combined with breathtaking antiquities, are augmented by luxurious hotels, a three-day Nile cruise from Aswan to Luxor, incredible snorkelling and exciting shopping opportunities, to make this a thoroughly enjoyable tour for both keen birders and non-birding spouses.
Greater Painted-snipe, Pharaoh Eagle-Owl, Greater Hoopoe-Lark, Nile Valley Sunbird, Sinai Rosefinch, Trumpeter Finch, Crowned & Spotted Sandgrouse, White-eyed Gull, migrating raptors
Red Fox, various bats
desert, wadis (dry riverbeds), arid scrubby plains, Nile River and associated wetlands, shoreline and off-shore islands, mountains
warm and dry conditions with cooler evenings
8 with 1 Rockjumper leaders
leisurely pace, undemanding walks on flat terrain
comfortable to luxurious
relaxed and easy
key Egyptian antiquities, Nile River cruise, coral reef snorkelling, Petra, shopping
Overall, this was a terrific trip - lots of variety in what we did and the experiences we had, fabulous antiquities, a superb cultural guide, personable and very knowledgeable bird guides and a really great group of participants. I would wholeheartedly recommend this trip to others, especially to people like myself who are not that interested anymore in a trip that offers nothing but birding. That's simply too narrow for me these days.
Our tour with David Hoddinott was educational and awe inspiring. David helped the tour to run smoothly and with his tremendous knowledge of the birds he helped us maximize our sightings of the native and migratory species. In addition, the local guides assisted our understanding of the antiquities we were viewing and made the customs of the countries (both Egypt and Jordan) interesting and manageable. David was enthusiastic, dynamic and engaging and an all round competent and enjoyable leader. We would highly recommend this tour with David.