Brazil - Madeira & Tapajós - Endemics of the Rio Aripuanã 2025

23 Jun 2025 - 05 Jul 2025 (13 days)

BRL29,950 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Bradley Davis

Tour price (Per person): BRL29,950 * GBP4,068 * EUR4,887 * AUD7,904 * USD5,298

Single Supplement: BRL4,150 * GBP564 * EUR677 * AUD1,095 * USD734

Can be linked with: Brazil - Acre Extension 2025

Brazil - Madeira & Tapajós - Endemics of the Rio Aripuanã 2026

24 Jun 2026 - 06 Jul 2026 (13 days)

BRL32,000 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Bruno Renno

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): BRL32,000 * GBP4,347 * EUR5,221 * AUD8,445 * USD5,660

Can be linked with: Brazil - Acre Extension 2026

Nowhere inspires more awe and wonder at the raw beauty of remote nature like the Amazon Basin of South America. Pioneered by Major Candido Rondon de Silva, explorations in this region of Brazil became the stuff of legend, as Rondon enabled the first telegraph line and subsequently the first road, to cross the Brazilian Amazon. He discovered numerous indigenous groups, named several major rivers, and is hailed by many Brazilians as one of the true heroes of Brazil’s native people and lands.

This area of Brazil became most famous with the publication of a biographical work on Theodore Roosevelt’s ill-fated expedition on the Rio de Duvida (River of Doubt). None other than Rondon himself escorted and outfitted the expedition in 1914, that nearly cost the ex-president his life. The mishaps of Roosevelt’s adventure only added to the mystique and draw of the area, which continues to be one of the least-accessible, most remote areas in the World. Luckily for us, the Pousada PiraAçu is a very conveniently located lodge where superb birds and wildlife await, including the near mythical Rondonia Bushbird. We we will focus our efforts on seeking out the numerous special bird species on the lodges many trails and river systems. Fine birding will be had in the Porto Velho and Humaita area, on the West Bank of the Madeira River, where we will have exposure to completely unique habitats, and species, on the other side of the Madeira interfluvium. This will be an unforgettable adventure into the heart of the Amazon!

Top Birds

Rondonia Bushbird; Harpy & Crested Eagles; Cryptic & Slaty-backed Forest Falcons; Brown-banded & Western Striolated Puffbirds; Ivory-billed Aracari; Golden-collared & Gould's Toucanets; Bonaparte’s, Crimson-bellied & Santarem Parakeets; Peruvian Warbling, Rondonia Warbling, Humaita, Black, Sooty, White-throated, Banded, Rufous-faced, Ferruginous-backed, White-breasted, Spot-backed, Dot-backed, Scale-backed & Hairy-crested Antbirds; Black-necked Red Cotinga; Crimson Fruitcrow; Purple-breasted, Spangled, Purple-throated & Pompadour Cotingas; Blue-backed, Black, Snow-capped, Flame-crowned, Band-tailed, Red-headed & Fiery-capped Manakins; Black-spotted & Pale-faced Bare-eyes; Variegated, Alta Floresta, & Thrush-like Antpittas; Predicted, Plain-throated, White-eyed, Madeira, Ornate, Sclater’s, Ihering’s, Rusty-backed & Leaden Antwrens; Saturnine, Glossy, Natterer’s Slaty, White-shouldered, Amazonian & Pearly Antshrikes; Masked Crimson, Red-shouldered, Black-faced, Hooded, Red-billed Pied, Flame-crested, Fulvous-crested, White-winged Shrike, Dotted, Masked, Paradise, Opal-rumped, Green-and-gold, Swallow & White-rumped Tanagers; Small-billed, Grey, White-throated, Brazilian, Variegated & Red-winged Tinamous; Spix’s Guan; Nocturnal & Razor-billed Curassows; Campina Jay; Sunbittern; Sungrebe; Dark-winged Trumpeter; Tawny-bellied Screech, Crested, Spectacled, Amazonian Pygmy & Black-banded Owls; Long-tailed, White-winged & Rufous Potoos; Spot-tailed & Little Nightjars; Crimson Topaz; Needle-billed, Great-billed & Reddish Hermits; Black-eared Fairy; Green-tailed Goldenthroat; Black-bellied Thorntail; Long-billed Starthroat; Grey-breasted Sabrewing; Blue-chinned, Rufous-throated & White-chinned Sapphires; Black-girdled Barbet; Curl-crested & Red-necked Aracaris.

Top Mammals

Lowland Tapir; Tucuxi; Golden-backed Squirrel Monkey; Black-horned Capuchin; Golden-and-white Tassel-ear & Golden-and-white Bare-ear Marmosets; Emperor Tamarin; Red-nosed Bearded Saki; Prince Bernhard's & Chestnut-bellied Titis; Black-faced Spider Monkey; Common Woolly Monkey.

Habitats Covered

varzea forest, Beni savannah, white sand forests, cerrado, small oxbow lakes, seasonally flooded areas, mixed terra firme forest, patches of slender bamboo, wide floodplains, transitional forests, upland terra firme and hilly terra firme forest

Expected Climate

warm to hot and humid, small biting insects

Max Group Size

8 with 1 local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

moderate pace, some longer walks



Ease of Birding

moderate with numerous challenging species

Number of Species Expected


Photographic Opportunities

average to good

What our clients say about us

xCarlos Sanchez
RL - NE Mega 2022

This was a really wonderful trip, so rich in birds, mammals, scenery and food. I really valued the outstanding knowledge all three guides shared with us, their constant awareness of our needs, and their senses of humor. We covered a lot of ground but there was always plenty of time for birding and we were always well fed. I really loved this trip and would recommend it to everyone who wasn't to see plenty of birds.

Forrest Rowland
CS & CS - Brazil Tailor-made 2022

We had an unbelievably great tour. ALL the guides were extraordinary and fun to be around. They went out of their way to provide us non-birders with very interesting, novel activities. We all enjoyed seeing all the wildlife - it was beyond expectations. The 50th anniversary surprise was an unexpected, delightful treat. We don't know how the tour could have been any better.

xCarlos Sanchez
JK - Pantanal 2022

"The whole tour was perfectly organised: the transportation to the lodge, the accommodation itself, and of course the different trips incl the local guide. Our tour guide Carlos was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Everything went perfect. As this was my first experience with Rockjumper, I was pleasantly surprised about how effortless the whole trip was. I will for sure travel with you again!"

Robert Wilcox
JG & AS - Pantanal 2022

We really appreciated our trip. Our Rockjumper guide, Bobby Wilcox, and the local guides were awesome; always on the lookout for new birds and other animals, even on the long drives. The organization was flawless, the lodges were great and perfectly located. Our triplist and lifers goals were exceeded! The group was great and always well controlled by Bobby. Very well done! Our long sighting of a female jaguar was certainly the peak of this trip !!!

Stephan Lorenz
EA - Brazil

The trip was excellent, and there is no praise too high for Stephan Lorenz!

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
