Spain - Birds, Wine & Iberian Lynx (Small Group) 2025

26 Nov 2025 - 07 Dec 2025 (12 days)

EUR4,895 - No Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Yeray Seminario

Tour price (Per person): EUR4,895 * USD5,307 * GBP4,066 * AUD7,904

Single Supplement: EUR570 * USD618 * GBP473 * AUD920

Spain - Birds, Wine & Iberian Lynx (Small Group) 2026

25 Nov 2026 - 06 Dec 2026 (12 days)

EUR5,100 - 4 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Yeray Seminario

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): EUR5,100 * USD5,529 * GBP4,236 * AUD8,235

Spain has long been a very popular birdwatching destination, offering a wide range of Mediterranean habitats along with safe, easy and excellent birding. Many sites are in beautifully scenic settings, featuring Romanesque architecture and ancient, fortified hilltop villages; whilst much of interior Spain that we visit is very rural and way off the tourist trail.  Our itinerary is specially designed for a great diversity of birds and concentrates on two major and distinct habitats: the semi-arid steppes and cork-oak dehesas (a type of wooded pastureland) of the central and northern interior and the Guadalquivir River with its associated wetlands and marshes feeding into the Gulf of Cádiz on the Atlantic Ocean. Top birds included White-headed and Marbled Ducks, Spanish Imperial and Bonelli’s Eagles, Little and Great Bustards, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Azure-winged Magpie and Black-bellied Sandgrouse. 

The other major aspect of this tour is the wine and food, which will be extremely interesting and varied. Spain’s wine-making tradition spans more than 2000 years and the country is producing wines of increasingly good quality. There are several excellent reds that we will get to enjoy and these days a few fabulous whites are also being made with traditional Spanish grapes.

Top Birds

White-headed & Marbled Ducks; Golden, Spanish Imperial & Bonelli’s Eagles, Little & Great Bustards; Eurasian Eagle-Owl; Iberian Magpie; Black-bellied Sandgrouse; Hawfinch; Bearded Reedling; Griffon, Egyptian & Cinereous Vultures; Sardinian & Dartford Warblers.

Top Mammals

Iberian Lynx; Iberian Ibex; Mouflon; ‘Eurasian’ Grey Wolf.

Habitats Covered

Coastal wetlands, cork-oak dehesas, deciduous woodlands, olive groves, mountain crags, grasslands

Expected Climate

Temperate, mainly mild. At times can get quite cold, especially when looking for the Lynx in Andujar, with minimum temperatures as low as 5ºC. Warm layers, including gloves and beanie hats are recommended.

Max Group Size

3 - 6 with Local Leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Suitable for all birding / wildlife interest levels.


Comfortable to very comfortable.

Ease of Birding

Undemanding. Most species provide good visuals in open conditions.

Other Attractions

Flamenco dancing, wine tasting, ancient historical buildings & sites, great scenery, excellent food

Photographic Opportunities

Worthwhile to good.

What our clients say about us

Robert Williams
AH, Spain 2018

Rob Williams was a fantastic guide -- "Everything's under control!" He is absolutely superb at bird identification. Rob has a great sense of humor, and a wonderful relationship with the innkeepers and vendors along our way. Yeray Seminario, our guide on the Gibraltar Extension, is a treasure! He is soft-spoken, easy-going, approachable, and incredibly knowledgeable about birds. I was delighted to learn that he is an eBird moderator for Spain. He directed us to several great restaurants in the Tarifa area. Alberto Bueno is a sweetheart! He is so classically Spanish and so passionate about the birds. Except for myself (!), I think he was the most enthusiastic about EVERY bird we saw. He is a delightful guide -- compassionate, generous and fun. He and Rob made an unbeatable team and got along seamlessly. We saw well over 250 species of birds, enjoyed fantastic scenery, food and wine! It was a very good trip, and my thanks go to Rob, Yeray and Alberto for all their hard work.

Robert Williams
CH & JH, Spain 2018

Guides Rob Williams & Alberto Bueno were professional, diligent and hardworking throughout the tour, maintaining their sense of humour and pleasant demeanour to the end; their respective birding competence was impeccable and, more importantly, they functioned as a team without issue or conflict, complimenting each other in a manner which quite enhanced the trip.

Robert Williams
FO, Spain 2018

Everything was very good. We certainly tried for everything. Great that we had the time to look at reptiles, frogs, etc. I certainly got almost all my major targets.

Robert Williams
CK, Spain 2018

I enjoyed the tour and was especially pleased with our tour leader, Rob Williams, and both local guides, who were excellent and very adept at finding our target birds as well as managing all the logistics required by a trip of this nature. This was my first Rockjumper birding tour and the tour exceeded my expectations.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
AW, Spain 2022

Overall, it was an excellent tour. The itinerary was very well thought out giving a really good coverage of the main sites with great accommodation. I can see a lot of detailed planning went into it, including making use of very good local guides. Both Dusan and Yeray were both very good at identifying the birds, making sure people got on them and great company. The minibus chatter was both lively and entertaining at times! They were conscious of who needed to see certain species or when better views where needed. It was a rewarding and fun tour! Dusan was great at doing the checklist: he spelt out the names of the sites we had been to and went through the list at a sensible pace.

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