Peru - Southern: Machu Picchu Extension 2025

06 Jun 2025 - 09 Jun 2025 (4 days)

USD2,995 - 3 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Adam Walleyn

Tour price (Per person): USD2,995 * GBP2,267 * EUR2,691 * AUD4,436

Single Supplement: USD330 * GBP250 * EUR297 * AUD489

Flight costs: USD110 * GBP83 * EUR99 * AUD163

Can be linked with: Peru - Southern: Classic Andes & Manu Road 2025

Peru - Southern: Machu Picchu Extension 2026

13 May 2026 - 16 May 2026 (4 days)

USD3,100 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Lev Frid

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD3,100 * GBP2,346 * EUR2,786 * AUD4,591

Can be linked with: Peru - Southern: Classic Andes & Manu Road 2026

We complete our series of tours by visiting several Incan archaeological sites, which also includes some very interesting birding. Starting in the Incan Capital of Cusco, we explore the Sacred Valley and other Incan heritage sites covering Sacsayhuaman, Qenko, Pisac, Moray, Lago Huaypo, Ollantaytambo and perhaps the most famous tourist site in the world, Machu Picchu. We also have very good opportunities of finding the localised endemic, Inca Wren, alongside other avian treats, including Chestnut-breasted Mountain Finch, Bearded Mountaineer, and Parodi’s Hemispingus.

Top Birds

Inca Wren; Bearded Mountaineer; Green-and-white & Giant Hummingbirds; Creamy-crested Spinetail; Chestnut-breasted Mountain Finch; Long-tailed Sylph; Torrent Duck; White-capped Dipper; White-eared Solitaire; Sclater’s & Bolivian Tyrannulets; Silver-backed Tanager; Oleaginous & Parodi's Hemispinguses; Capped Conebill; Cinnamon & Puna Teals; Yellow-winged Blackbird; Many-colored Rush Tyrant; Bare-faced Ground Dove; Andean Flicker; Peruvian Sierra Finch; Hooded Siskin; Band-tailed Seedeater.

Habitats Covered

Polylepis forests, mountains, lakes

Expected Climate

cool to cold

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader

Tour Pace & Walking




Ease of Birding

comfortable. Some high altitude areas

Other Attractions

Inca ruins of Machu Picchu, Cusco (the historical Incan capital city of Peru), Ollantaytambo, Pisac, Qenko, Sacsayhuaman.

Photographic Opportunities

good to excellent

What our clients say about us

Robert Williams
JH & CH, Southern Peru

Our guide, Rob Williams, was exceptionally well qualified, good humoured in all circumstances and remarkably diligent in accommodating all levels of birding skills within our group. He went out of his way to make sure that each member of the group realised their expectations for the trip. We would welcome the opportunity to join him on additional trips; he is a quality individual with sound values and a superb representative of Rockjumper Birding Tours.

Robert Williams
PM, Peru

Rob Williams is the best guide I have ever birded with - wonderful birding and people skills.

Robert Williams
CB - Peru 2022

Guides were awesome. Found lots of birds; guide was way too knowledgeable about the bird species and taxonomy.

Robert Williams
UA, Peru

Rob Williams is right up there among the very best tour leaders. His vast experience from lots of research and conservation projects and intimate knowledge of the country add lots of value compared to a tour leader who is "just" a good organiser, birder and guide. He is also great company, with a sublime sense of humour.

Forrest Rowland
GR, Peru 2018

The tour was fantastic. Forrest Rowland, did a terrific job spotting birds, giving us clear directions to actually sight the birds and displayed plenty of patience in the process.

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
