02 Nov 2025 - 12 Nov 2025 (11 days)
USD10,795 - 2 Spaces Available
Tour Leader: Robert Wilcox
Pricing notes : Argentina is experiencing significant hyperinflation making accurate pricing impossible, tour prices may thus change further
Tour price (Per person): USD10,795 * GBP8,339 * EUR9,926 * AUD17,132
Single Supplement: USD2,600 * GBP2,008 * EUR2,391 * AUD4,126
01 Nov 2026 - 11 Nov 2026 (11 days)
USD9,400 - Spaces Available
Tour Leader: Forrest Rowland
Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change* **Argentina is experiencing significant hyperinflation making accurate price estimation impossible**
Tour price (Per person): USD9,400 * GBP7,261 * EUR8,643 * AUD14,918
08 Dec 2027 - 18 Dec 2027 (11 days)
USD9,700 - Spaces Available
Tour Leader: Adam Walleyn
Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated, and dates may change* **Argentina is experiencing significant hyperinflation making accurate price estimation impossible**
Tour price (Per person): USD9,700 * GBP7,493 * EUR8,919 * AUD15,394
Our tour through Argentina’s Southern Patagonia takes us on an amazing adventure through the southern portion of this incredible continent in search of the unique Magellanic Plover at Laguna Nímez, the rare White-bellied Seedsnipe of northern Tierra del Fuego, and the charismatic Magellanic Woodpecker.
Our journey begins in Los Glaciares National Park, famous in birding circles for its population of the impressive Andean Condors, uncommon Bronze-winged Duck, Chilean Flicker and the strange Rufous-tailed Plantcutter. Crossing the border into Chile, we spend a few days at possibly the most scenically impressive site on a tour of grand vistas - Torres del Paine. Aside from being a staggeringly spectacular stretch of mountains - quite possibly the most attractive scenery of all the Andes - Torres del Paine National Park also happens to be one of the best places in the world to see the mighty Puma. Next, we travel to the Punta Arenas, exploring the most southern continental locations for their plethora of rare and endemic species, both by road and ferry. As the tour draws to a close, we will be searching for birds in the dramatic and fabled landscapes of Tierra del Fuego. Here a visit to Tierra del Fuego National Park could produce Austral Pygmy Owl, White-throated Treerunner and the fantastic Magellanic Woodpecker. In the Beagle Channel, we hope for Magellanic Diving Petrel, Fuegian Steamer Duck and White-throated Caracara, while in the Paso Garibaldi area we search for the rare White-bellied Seedsnipe. This tour covers the most essential sites in the southern portion of Argentina and gives a splendid overview of the breath-taking scenery, mind-blowing birding and excellent mammal viewing that this exceptional part of the world has to offer.
Magellanic Plover, Austral Rail, Chilean Flicker, Thorn-tailed Rayadito, Magellanic Woodpecker, Fire-eyed Diucon, White-throated Treerunner, Magellanic Tapaculo, Flying and Fuegian Steamer Ducks, Upland, Kelp & Ashy-headed Geese, Austral Parakeet, Yellow-bridled Finch, Black-chinned Siskin, Magellanic Oystercatcher, Andean Duck, Rufous-tailed Plantcutter, Patagonian Sierra Finch, Patagonian Yellow Finch, Chocolate-vented Tyrant, White-bellied & Least Seedsnipe, Andean Condor, Torrent Duck, Lesser Rhea, White-throated Caracara, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Austral Canastero, Patagonian Mockingbird, Black-faced Ibis, Austral Pygmy Owl, Bar-winged and Dark-bellied Cinclodes, Dark-faced, Cinnamon-bellied & Ochre-naped Ground Tyrants, White-crested Elaenia, Austral Blackbird, Chilean Swallow.
Puma, Patagonian Huemul, Guanaco, Humboldt’s Hog-nosed Skunk, Large Hairy Armadillo, Culpeo and South American Grey Fox
Patagonian steppe, Magellanic subpolar forests, Patagonian High Plateau, mountains, glaciers, lakes, rivers, Atlantic Ocean
cold to very cold, strong winds can be expected at times
8 with 1 Rockjumper leader
mostly relaxed
comfortable to very comfortable
moderate with some tricky or very rare species
spectacular scenery – Torres del Paine, Martial Glacier, Los Glaciares NP, Estancia Harberton, Beagle Channel, pristine & little-explored wilderness, great cuisine, super-friendly people
It was an honor and a pleasure to travel with Peter Kaestner, an uncommonly quiet but knowledgeable, dedicated, focused, transparent, kind and caring individual, with a sense of humor and a willingness to take the group's wants and needs into account when issues arose. The whole tour was a rich and rewarding experience!
Peter Kaestner was an excellent guide, combining outstanding bird-finding and identification abilities, capable and efficient logistical planning, and strong social and interpersonal skills. One especially commendable feature of Peter's bird guiding is his limiting of playback to the minimum needed for the bird to come out and be seen by the whole group (rather than for optimal photos or prolonged views), thereby minimizing disturbance to what are often localized or threatened bird species. We hope that other Rockjumper guides will adopt Peter's approach.
Peter Kaestner was completely committed to getting every bird possible on both tours. He was sensitive to all the needs of the participants and worked tirelessly on what could have been potentially serious limitations to the logistics. Getting the chauffeur/vehicle company to recognize the needs of a birding tour was difficult. And because of lack of flexibility in overtime use of the driver and deviations from an original itinerary, Peter had to work hard to make sure we had opportunities for every bird regardless. He was uncommonly successful in achieving these results.
Bobby Wilcox was a very capable and congenial leader. Our group consisted of birders of all levels of expertise. Bobby did his very best to make certain everyone got the opportunities they needed to have a very positive experience.
This was an excellent tour and Peter did a very good job. He made the transition from birder/lister to tour guide very well. He was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and personable. I also liked that he allowed the tour participants to provide input and vote on any potential itinerary modifications and provided us with the information needed to make decisions. All good.
Argentina - Iguazú Extension II 2024 - August 2024
Argentina - Iguazú Extension I 2024 - July 2024
Argentina & Chile - Southern Patagonia incl. Torres del Paine NP 2023 - December 2023
Argentina - Northern Patagonia & Pampas 2023 - November 2023
Argentina - Northeast: Iguazú, Misiones & Ibera 2023 - November 2023
Argentina - Northwest Endemics II 2023 - October 2023
Argentina - Iguazú Extension II 2023 - August 2023
Argentina - Northwest: Endemics I 2023 - January 2023
Argentina - Northwest: Cordoba Extension I 2023 - January 2023
Argentina - Hooded Grebe & El Chalten I 2022 - November 2022
Argentina - Cordoba & Mar Chiquita Endemics 2022 - November 2022
Argentina - Northwest: Endemics 2022 - November 2022
Argentina & Chile - Southern Patagonia & Torres del Paine I 2022 - October 2022
Argentina - Northeast: pre I 2022 - October 2022
Argentina & Chile - Southern Patagonia & Torres Del Paine III 2022 - October 2022
Argentina - Iguazú Extension (Small Group) I 2022 - September 2022
Argentina - Iguazú Extension I 2022 - July 2022
Argentina - Iguazú Extension (Small Group) II 2022 - July 2022
Argentina - Kanes 2018 - September 2018
Argentina - Northern Comprehensive Birding Tour 2016 - September 2016