Tucked away inside a rare remnant patch of Brazil’s critically threatened Atlantic rainforests is a slice of paradise called Folha Seca (meaning “dry leaf”). Here Mr Jonas Dabronzo, as kind and intelligent a gentleman as you would ever wish to meet, owns a secluded home that has become a Mecca for hummingbirds and a myriad of other avian gems. Mr Jonas religiously feeds his flock of hummingbirds that hover around his porch and an incredible 22 species have been attracted to this haven. A visit usually reveals around 10 species and this blogpost is a celebration to some of these amazing birds that frequent Mr Jonas’ feeders. Even more amazing than the hummingbird diversity is the incredible volume of individuals that buzz around the porch and garden. Folha Seca is situated near Ubatuba between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero and if you plan to visit, please contact Mr Jonas in advance to ensure the timing is not inconvenient for him. Mr Jonas does not charge for visits but a donation of a few bags of sugar is always welcome as the hummingbirds consume a vast volume! Mr Jonas can be contacted by emailing j.dabronzo@uol.com.br or calling him on (12) 38482587.