5 Reasons To Visit The Forgotten Islands [#1: Remote and Uninhabited]

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5 Reasons To Visit The Forgotten Islands [#1: Remote and Uninhabited]

In light of our upcoming New Zealand Subantarctic Island Cruise, we decided to provide 5 great reasons to visit the #ForgottenIslands!

Reason #1: Remote and Uninhabited

You won’t find them mentioned in a travel agent’s brochure; you won’t find them in most guidebooks, you probably don’t know anyone who has ever been there, and they don’t even appear on some maps of the South Pacific – these are the ‘forgotten islands’. Despite their low profile, they are among the most remarkable wildlife reserves in the Southern Ocean, designated UNESCO World Heritage sites and afforded the highest protection of any nature reserves in New Zealand. Remote, uninhabited and on no regular shipping route, access is further restricted by a strict Management Plan which limits the number of people allowed ashore each year.

The restriction, however, can only add to one’s desire to take a “once in a lifetime” trip to this magnificent area south of New Zealand. Being among an extremely fortunate few to tour this little known wonder of the world – and experience all it has to offer – is enough to spark a fire in the adventurous hearts of us all. A visit to the ‘forgotten islands’ is sure to be – unlike its name – an unforgettable experience, affording stories that will enchant all listening ears for a lifetime to come.

See you in a few days’ time for Reason #2!

To find out more about this amazing birding tour, click here.