5 Reasons To Visit The Forgotten Islands [#5: Rare and Endemic Species]

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5 Reasons To Visit The Forgotten Islands [#5: Rare and Endemic Species]

In light of our upcoming New Zealand Subantarctic Island Cruise, we decided to provide 5 great reasons to visit the #ForgottenIslands! Here is our last, and certainly not least…

#5: Rare and Endemic Species

Finally, the thing you have all been waiting for! Besides the many other fantastic reasons to visit the Subantarctic Islands, as birders, our highest priority will always be the birds! You’ll be delighted to know that travelling halfway around the world will not be in vain as there is ample opportunity to enjoy some fantastic birds and wildlife. This remarkable New Zealand Subantarctic Island cruise offers close proximity to a number of species and with it plenty of photographic opportunities.

When it comes to special birds, sightings you can look forward to include: Auckland & Campbell Teals; Yellow-eyed & Snares Penguins; and Buller’s, Gray-headed, White-capped, Salvin’s, Black-browed, Light-mantled, Royal & Wandering Albatrosses.

Top mammals that can also be found in the area include: New Zealand Sea Lion; New Zealand Fur Seal; Dusky Dolphin; Bryde’s Whale; and the impressive Killer Whale!

Being afforded the opportunity to experience the litany of species on this tour – in their natural habitats – is guaranteed to spark an overwhelming appreciation for this astounding area. Taking the time to fully soak up our surroundings and all they have to offer is exactly what makes this cruise so special.

We hope to see you there!

To find out more about this amazing birding tour, click here.

<<See reason #4