Image of the Month August 2024: Temminck's Tragopan

Photographer: Adam Riley   Destination: China


Pheasants, pheasants and more pheasants! China is home to 15 species of extravagantly plumed pheasant, including this exquisite Temminck’s Tragopan photographed by Adam Riley on a recent China tour.


This species is primarily found in the forested mountainous regions of China. The male is especially striking, boasting an elaborate display of vivid colours. Its plumage is a stunning mix of crimson, blue, black, and a pattern of white spots known as ocelli. Added to this, during courtship, the male puts on a spectacular display. It inflates a blue lappet, or throat wattle, and spreads out its ornate, cape-like feathers, creating a spectacle that few other birds can rival.


China's diverse ecosystems, ranging from tropical rainforests in the south to the vast steppes and desert regions in the north, make it a remarkable destination for birding. With over 1,400 bird species recorded, it's one of the most bird-rich countries in the world!


Apart from Temminck's Tragopan, birders visiting China have the opportunity to find incredible species like the endangered and majestic Crested Ibis, Spoon-billed Sandpiper, the stunning but Critically Endangered Blue-crowned Laughingthrush, Siberian Cranes in winter, 10 species of parrotbill and the many pheasant species including Chinese Monal, Tibetan Snowcock, Verreaux’s Monal-Partridge, Golden and Lady Amherst’s Pheasants.


Join us on any of the tours below for a first-hand experience birding this rewarding destination.


