South Africa - Birds, Wine & Big Game 2025

19 Sep 2025 - 30 Sep 2025 (12 days)

ZAR83,950 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Quinton Paul Josop

Tour price (Per person): ZAR83,950 * USD4,763 * GBP3,605 * EUR4,280 * AUD7,055

Single Supplement: ZAR9,950 * USD565 * GBP427 * EUR507 * AUD836

Flight costs: ZAR1,800 * USD102 * GBP77 * EUR92 * AUD151

South Africa - Birds, Wine & Big Game 2026

18 Sep 2026 - 29 Sep 2026 (12 days)

ZAR87,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Julian Parsons

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): ZAR87,300 * USD4,953 * GBP3,749 * EUR4,451 * AUD7,336

This Birding, Wine and Big Game tour has been specifically crafted for those who wish to view the wide variety of South Africa’s most sought after birds and mammals, whilst also enjoying South Africa’s award-winning, famous wines. We base ourselves in Cape Town for the beginning of the tour, widely recognised as one of the world’s most beautiful cities and within easy reach of the country’s prime vineyards! From here we venture north along the Atlantic Coast, experiencing the diverse ecosystem of the West Coast National Park, before heading east for the interior dry country riches of the Tanqua Karoo. After exploring and sampling the best wines of the Western Cape, we wing our way to the province of KwaZulu-Natal on South Africa’s eastern seaboard. From our base within the Manyoni Private Game Reserve, a private 'Big 5' wildlife reserve, we shall enjoy comfortable game drives through some of the country’s finest birding and mammal habitat. From the endemic rich Fynbos Kingdom of the Western Cape to the teeming wildlife of Manyoni Private Game Reserve, this tour offers the very best of southern African birding, game viewing and wine!

Please note: these prices are subject to foreign exchange fluctuations.

Top Birds

Western Cape: Cape Rockjumper, Cape Sugarbird, Cape Siskin, Protea and Cape Canaries, Orange-breasted, Malachite & Southern Double-collared Sunbirds, African Penguin, African Oystercatcher, Crowned, Bank & Cape Cormorants, Black Harrier, Southern Black and Karoo Korhaans, Cape Spurfowl, Bokmakierie, Jackal Buzzard, Southern Boubou, Swee Waxbill, Karoo and Large-billed Larks, Karoo Eremomela, Ground Woodpecker, Cape Weaver, Cape Bulbul, Maccoa Duck, Cape Teal, Cape Shoveler, South African Shelduck, Victorin’s, Cinnamon-breasted, Rufous-eared and Namaqua Warblers, Cape Penduline Tit, White-backed Mousebird, Greater and Lesser Flamingos Zululand: Common Ostrich, Saddle-billed and Marabou Storks, African Openbill, Bateleur, Martial, Crowned, African Hawk- and Tawny Eagles, African Cuckoo-Hawk, Dark Chanting Goshawk, Lappet-faced Vulture, Natal Spurfowl, Crested Guineafowl, Bronze-winged Courser, Southern White-faced Owl, Trumpeter and Crowned Hornbills, Neergaard’s and Scarlet-chested Sunbirds, African Broadbill, Gorgeous, Orange-breasted & Grey-headed Bushshrikes, Pink-throated Twinspot, Rudd’s Apalis, Eastern Nicator, Bearded Scrub Robin, White-throated, White-browed and Red-capped Robin-Chats, White-eared Barbet, Black-bellied & Violet-backed Starlings, Narina Trogon, Blue-mantled & African Paradise Flycatchers, Black-bellied Bustard

Top Mammals

Western Cape: Afro-Australian Fur Seal, Common Eland, Blesbok (Bontebok), (Cape) Mountain Zebra, (Red) Hartebeest, Cape Grysbok, Cape Grey Mongoose Zululand: The ‘Big 5’ (Lion, Leopard, African Elephant, Black and White Rhinoceroses, African Buffalo), Cheetah, African Wild Dog, Serval, Waterbuck, Natal Red & Grey Duikers, Steenbok, Bushbuck, Common Wildebeest, Plains Zebra, Giraffe, Chacma Baboon and Vervet, Hippopotamus, Spotted Hyena, Cape Porcupine, Black-backed Jackal, White-tailed Mongoose, Common Genet, African Savanna Hare and Thick-tailed Greater Galago

Habitats Covered

Western Cape: mountains, Fynbos, coastal waters, semi desert, wetlands Zululand: acacia savanna, bushveld, sand forest, riverine forest, grasslands, rivers, wetlands

Expected Climate

Western Cape: subtropical with occasional rain, can be cold at times Zululand: subtropical and dry, warm to hot

Max Group Size

9 with 1 Rockjumper leader

Tour Pace & Walking

relaxed to moderate pace with undemanding walks


comfortable to very comfortable

Ease of Birding

mostly easy with a few tougher species

Other Attractions

Western Cape: Table Mountain, incredible coastal scenery, Tanqua-Karoo, great food & wine Zululand: vast, pristine wilderness, large numbers of African mega-fauna

Photographic Opportunities


What our clients say about us

Keith Valentine
PN & PN, South Africa - Birds & Wine 2018

This was a wonderful tour...with something for everyone. The fun just never stopped! Keith Valentine's passion for wine, food, creatures; be they avian, mammal, or reptile, combined for his deep knowledge of all, and his love of the outdoors shows in everything he does!

Gregory de Klerk
JS, Best of South Africa: Cape & Kruger I 2016

Greg de Klerk was one of the best guides I've had – EVER. Excellent with bird ID, calls and habitat. And probably just as important in a group setting, VERY good with people, fun, friendly and left no one out. I have heard good things about Rockjumper Tours for years and now I see why. Keep up the good work.

Daniel Danckwerts
TT - South Africa Rallid Quest 2019

There are not enough superlatives to describe Daniel Danckwerts! He is a superstar of a guide and I am glad I had the opportunity to tour with him, because he will be in great demand when the word gets out how amazing this tour was! Although he is one of your junior guides, he conducts himself with poise and confidence in excess of his years. His passion for birding, culture and history is unsurpassed and his laugh is absolutely infectious.  He knew all the hotspots for the notoriously difficult species on this tour and even when the birds weren't cooperating, he devised innovative means to ensure the group would have the best opportunity to see these very, very elusive birds. We learned a few lessons on this inaugural tour about patience and stamina.... it is certainly not for the faint-hearted because it requires a lot of hard work but the rewards certainly exceeded the effort.  Where else do you have the opportunity to see mythic flufftails and crakes all in one place? I will absolutely travel with Daniel again!

André Bernon

I am not a twitcher or even a knowledgeable birdwatcher, but I am always keen to see new things. Our ranger André had a huge knowledge of birds. He shared this and more about all the flora and fauna that we came across. He explained about insects and trees as we passed them and didn't fail to answer a question.

Daniel Danckwerts
AC & MJ, South Africa 2019

Thanks to Rynart Bezuidenhout and Daniel Danckwerts for an unforgettable tour. Their effort to give us the very best experience was sublime. Not only was our ambition to see the wanted birds, animals and nature much more than fulfilled – our competent, friendly and openminded guides also managed to give a perspective into the life and culture in South Africa of today. This we appreciate a lot.

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Route Map

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