Colombia - Mitu Extension 2024

15 Nov 2024 - 20 Nov 2024 (6 days)

USD2,995 - No Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Stephan Lorenz

Tour price (Per person): USD2,995 * GBP2,267 * EUR2,691 * ZAR52,787

Single Supplement: USD130 * GBP98 * EUR117 * ZAR2,291

Flight costs: USD330 * GBP250 * EUR297 * ZAR5,816

Can be linked with:

Colombia - Mitu Extension 2026

25 Jan 2026 - 30 Jan 2026 (6 days)

USD3,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Carlos Bocos

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD3,300 * GBP2,498 * EUR2,965 * ZAR58,163

Can be linked with: Colombia - Remote 2026

Colombia’s vast expanse of Amazonian rainforest habitat is best accessed via the town of Mitu. The town itself is a fabulous base to work from, with comfortable hotel accommodations in town and some of the most enjoyable local guides anywhere. The birding sites are easy to access, and the birds are plentiful, with many near endemics, white sand specialists, terra firme specialists and several scarce species readily seen.

Top Birds

Plum-throated, Spangled & Pompadour Cotingas; Guianan Cock-of-the-rock; Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet; Amazonian Umbrellabird; Fiery Topaz; Pavonine Quetzal; Brown-banded, Bronzy & Paradise Jacamars; Black-bellied Thorntail; Rufous-throated & White-chinned Sapphires; Green-tailed Goldenthroat; Crested Eagle; Ornate Hawk-Eagle; White-chinned Woodcreeper; Rufous-tailed Xenops; Spot-backed Antwren; Imerri Warbling Antbird; Cinnamon Neopipo; Pale-bellied Mourner; Collared Gnatwren; Red-billed Ground Cuckoo (rare - thought more sightings are known from Mitu than anywhere else in the world); Tawny-tufted Toucanet; Orinoco Piculet; Bar-bellied Woodcreeper; Blackish-grey & Pearly Antshrikes; 10 species of Antwren including Cherrie’s & Yellow-throated; Black Bushbird; 17 species of Antbird including Black-chinned, Black-headed, Grey-bellied, White-plumed & Chestnut-crested; Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin; Black, Yellow-crested & Striolated Manakins; Brown-headed Greenlet; Azure-naped Jay; White-bellied Dacnis; White-naped Seedeater; Plumbeous Euphonia.

Habitats Covered

white sand forest and terra firme forest

Expected Climate

warm and humid

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper Leader

Tour Pace & Walking

WARNING: This tour involves strenuous activities and is intended for experienced adventurers. If you prefer a more relaxed experience, please check out our [Explore Relaxed Tours]

Moderate to difficult. Endemic and target focussed trip. Not suitable for dedicated photographers; inexperienced birders; or anyone with mobility or health challenges. Tour pace is fast. Our Mega tours are very fast-paced birding adventures designed for the dedicated lister and serious birder. The focus of the tour is to see as many of the endemics and area specials as possible in our given time. In order to cover the necessary route to maximise the species list we tend to spend a single night at most sites and travel large distances. There is very little down time aside from that spent driving from one site to the next. These tours are not suitable for dedicated or avid photographers; inexperienced or new birders; as well as anyone with serious mobility or health challenges.


Comfortable hotel

Ease of Birding

Challenging. Several skulkers and low-density targets that require repeated efforts. Many species that require patience, persistence & repeat attempts.

Number of Species Expected


Photographic Opportunities

Reasonable to good. Typical forest lighting difficulties.

What our clients say about us

Tuomas Seimola
TK, Colombia 2019

Two great tours led by Tuomas, who is an outstanding birder and great tour leader. Local guides were also very good, so we all saw virtually all of our hit list birds. Thanks to all.

Robert Williams
IS, Colombia 2019

Rob's combination of bird finding skills and tour management expertise made for a great birding trip which was enjoyed by all.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
SS, Colombia 2021

Dusan is an excellent guide (best ears in the business!) as well as a wonderful person to share this long of an adventure. He’s very concerned for everyone’s health, safety and enjoyment of the birding.

Forrest Rowland
MK, Colombia 2017

We had a great time with Forrest Rowland in Colombia. A wonderful country. Forrest is a fantastic birder and a great guide.

Tuomas Seimola
MS, Colombia 2021

"Tuomas was excellent. He made extreme efforts to make sure everyone saw the birds. Great itinerary. Covid testing was easy and smooth. Local guides were wonderful. Special dietary needs were met. Thanks again!!"

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Route Map

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