Other great birds were White-necked Rockfowl (Picathartes), Beaudouin’s Snake Eagle, Congo Serpent Eagle, Long-tailed Hawk, Forbes’s & Egyptian Plovers, 7 owls including Red-chested Owlet, 5 nightjars including 2 male Standard-winged Nightjars (see David Shackelford’s image of this spectacular species from a previous tour), Black Spinetail, Rosy & Blue-moustached Bee-eaters, African Piculet, Red-cheeked Wattle-eye, White-fronted Black Chat, Little Grey Flycatcher, Yellow-winged Pytilia, Black-bellied Seedcracker & a whole host of other upper guinea specialties. Some of the mammal highlights included great views of Pel’s Anomalure, Brush-tailed Porcupine, Greater Cane Rat, Pouched Rat, 7 species of squirrel & 5 primates!
Well done Keith for pulling off yet another incredible tour for Rockjumper – we wish you a well deserved rest!