Ecuador - Southern Endemics 2025

11 Jan 2025 - 29 Jan 2025 (19 days)

USD7,095 - No Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Dušan Brinkhuizen

Tour price (Per person): USD7,095 * GBP5,443 * EUR6,543 * AUD10,571

Single Supplement: USD660 * GBP506 * EUR609 * AUD983

Can be linked with: Ecuador - Pacific Coast Extension 2025

Ecuador - Southern Endemics 2026

08 Jan 2026 - 26 Jan 2026 (19 days)

USD7,400 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Lev Frid

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD7,400 * GBP5,677 * EUR6,824 * AUD11,026

Can be linked with: Ecuador - Kapawi Amazon Extension 2026

Due to incredibly complex geology and topography, southern Ecuador supports one of the most diverse habitats ranges in the world. Within 200 miles of the Pacific Coast, one can travel from the arid xerophytic habitat, through Chocó and semi-deciduous tropical forest, over the continental divide’s treeless paramos and down to lush, wet, foothill forests of the eastern Andes. Within these varied, pristine habitats, the evolution of many fine endemic species has occurred; and on our comprehensive South Ecuador Endemics tour, we will sample seven distinct habitats in search of these endemics and other specialties. Targets include El Oro and White-breasted Parakeets, El Oro Tapaculo, Watkins’s and the fantastic Jocotoco Antpitta, Pale-naped and White-headed Brushfinches, Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner, Elegant Crescentchest, White-tailed Jay, the fabulous Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Rainbow Starfrontlet, the vociferous, colourful, and extremely localized Orange-throated Tanager.

Very exciting news was the recent discovery of the Blue-throated Hillstar, a distinct species of hummingbird new to science, and we’ll attempt to find this highly localized endemic!

Top Birds

Blue-throated Hillstar; Grey Tinamou; Horned Screamer; Bearded Guan; El Oro, White-breasted (White-necked) & Grey-cheeked Parakeets; Watkins’s, Chestnut-naped & Jocotoco Antpittas; Pale-headed, White-headed & Bay-crowned Brushfinches; Bamboo, Henna-hooded & Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaners; Elegant Crescentchest; Long-wattled & Amazonian Umbrellabirds; Ochraceous Attila; Orange-throated Tanager; Band-bellied Owl; Pacific (Peruvian) Pygmy Owl; Blackish & Anthony’s (Scrub) Nightjars; Ecuadorian Trogon; Golden-headed Quetzal; Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan; Chestnut-crested Cotinga; Yellow-cheeked Becard; Coppery-chested & Purplish Jacamars; Andean Cock-of-the-Rock; Blue-rumped & Club-winged Manakins; El Oro (Ecuadorian), Chusquea & Northern White-crowned Tapaculos; Barred & Black-streaked Puffbirds; Equatorial Greytail; Great & Chapman’s Antshrikes; Esmeraldas, Jet & Grey-headed Antbirds; Foothill Antwren; Grey-mantled Wren; Foothill Elaenia; Fiery-throated, Scarlet-breasted & Scaled Fruiteaters; Golden-winged Tody-Flycatcher; Necklaced & Line-cheeked Spinetails; Jelski’s Chat-Tyrant; Short-tailed Field Tyrant; Black-crested Tit-Tyrant; Red-billed Scythebill; Orange-banded & Tropical Royal Flycatchers; Grey-and-gold & Three-banded Warblers; Violet-throated & Neblina Metaltails; Rainbow Starfrontlet; Black-cowled Saltator; Chestnut-collared Swallow.

Top Mammals

Coatimundi; Kinkajou; Spectacled Bear (rare)

Habitats Covered

Xerophytic scrub, deciduous, dry scrub, semideciduous tropical forest, pacific deciduous forest, moist foothill forest, treeless paramo, lagoons, estuaries, freshwater wetlands

Expected Climate

Chilly at higher elevations to hot and humid at lower elevations

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Moderate to brisk paced tours suited for those in good health with reasonable level of fitness. Not suited for anyone with mobility challenges or serious medical conditions. Limited down time at lodges, most days are birding & travelling.


Range from basic but comfortable to very comfortable.

Ease of Birding

Moderate, several difficult forest skulkers.

Number of Species Expected


Photographic Opportunities

Worthwhile to good. Several feeders.

What our clients say about us

Dušan Brinkhuizen
WB, Ecuador 2018

Dušan Brinkhuizen is great bird master, very friendly and helpful. The trip was brilliant.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
CR - Ecuador 2019

I have just finished a very successful snipe day with Dusan. I got all three species I was after, which was a result of some excellent guiding by Dušan Brinkhuizen. I cannot commend him highly enough. He can fill you in on the detail but looking for an Andean Snipe in the rain and cold wind at 4300m takes some effort!  I will certainly need my rest day tomorrow.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
YB - Ecuador 2024

Dušan is the best guide we can ask for this trip ! His expertise is top notch and enthusiasm contagious !!! Even though he's been birding in Ecuador for years and has seen over 1,600 species of birds there, he showed us how he appreciated every single species we discovered, especially those hard-to-get ones ! We'd love to have him as our guide again in the future !

Dušan Brinkhuizen
AB, Ecuador 2018

Dušan Brinkhuizen is a fantastic guide! He is incredibly talented as a birder but equally important, he is very patient and he managed our group perfectly. We had a great time together based on his leadership. He is an asset to Rockjumper.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
AG, Ecuador 2022

All the participants were nice and helpful in pointing out birds to others. Dusan was great and worked hard to get everyone on a bird. His expertise makes you realize how much you miss! But it also helps know what to try to find.

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