Ecuador - Hummingbirds Adventure (Relaxed) 2026

22 Feb 2026 - 07 Mar 2026 (14 days)

USD6,100 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Amanda Guercio

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD6,100 * GBP4,617 * EUR5,481 * AUD9,035

Ecuador is fortuitously situated within the heart of a fantastically diverse habitat array, ranging from the high Andes to excellent lowland rainforest. Ecuador’s small size, good infrastructure, unsurpassable scenery and friendly people make it one of the planet’s most delightful birding destinations. Our dedicated hummingbird tour seeks to enjoy a vast number of these jewels, most to be comfortably found at the numerous feeders that dot the prime birding locations we visit.

This tour is a great introduction to birding the mighty Andes of South America. We begin the tour in the primary birding sites found north-west of the capital city of Quito. This area is part of the Chocó bioregion that hosts a great number of endemics and specialities that are only shared with neighbouring areas of Colombia to the north. We will be based in the Tandayapa and Mindo valleys from where we will set out to bird the various renowned private reserves, affording us an outstanding opportunity to support local conservation projects for long-term habitat protection. A wide array of habitats will be birded, starting with the mystical elfin forest of the temperate zone, followed by bird-rich subtropical cloud forests. We will also explore the vast east-slope for its local specialities and visit a wide array of different habitats and elevations. Travelling from snow-capped volcanoes down to pristine cloud forests will be an incredible experience with superb birding and scenery each day! A great network of birding reserves together with good infrastructure, unsurpassable scenery and friendly people make the eastern Andes of Ecuador one of the world’s key birding destinations.

Top Birds

Ecuadorian, White-tailed & Green-backed Hillstars; Black-tailed Trainbearer; Great Sapphirewing; Purple-backed, Black-mantled, Blue-mantled, Purple-mantled & Rainbow-bearded Thornbills; Shining Sunbeam; Giant, Speckled, Many-spotted, Violet-headed & Sword-billed Hummingbirds; Collared & Bronzy Incas; Long-tailed & Violet-tailed Sylphs; Tourmaline Sunangel; Chestnut-breasted, Velvet-purple & Buff-tailed Coronets; Mountain Avocetbill; Tyrian & Viridian Metaltails; White-bellied, Purple-throated & Gorgeted Woodstars; Glowing, Sapphire-vented, Black-breasted, Hoary & Golden-breasted Pufflegs; Great Sapphirewing; Violet-fronted, Black-throated, Empress, Green-crowned & Fawn-breasted Brilliants; White-booted & Peruvian Racket-tails; Geoffrey’s Wedgebill; Brown Violetear; Bronzy & Brown Incas; Green & Sparkling Violetears; Gould’s Jewelfront; Golden-tailed Sapphire; Napo Sabrewing; Rufous-vented & Purple-bibbed Whitetips; Golden-tailed Sapphire; Blue-fronted Lancebill; Wire-crested & Green Thorntails; Fork-tailed & Crowned Woodnymphs; Green & White-whiskered Hermits; Ecuadorian Piedtail; White-tipped Sicklebill; Buff-winged Starfrontlet; White-necked Jacobin; Andean Emerald.

Top Mammals

White-tailed Deer; Andean Fox; Mountain Tapir (rare); Spectacled Bear (rare); Olingito; Tayra; White-fronted Capuchin.

Habitats Covered

paramo grasslands and highland lakes, temperate tree line forest & polylepis, temperate cloud-forest, upper and lower subtropical cloud-forest, subtropical cloud-forest, tropical foothill forest

Expected Climate

chilly at high elevations but pleasant in the subtropics

Max Group Size

10 with 1 Rockjumper leader & local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Our Relaxed series of tours are designed to focus on having an enjoyable holiday with a bird and wildlife focus. Where possible; we have reduced or removed long drives, single night stays and poor/rustic accommodation. We have also sought to reduce or remove difficult hikes, narrow/muddy trails and otherwise oppressive environmental conditions. Early starts and night birding are mostly optional, and we will not spend much time searching for difficult and/or skulking species. These tours are not suitable for hardcore birders and listers, or dedicated photographers.


comfortable lodges

Ease of Birding

generally easy, most Hummingbirds attend feeders

Photographic Opportunities

good to very good at dedicated feeders

What our clients say about us

Dušan Brinkhuizen
RC, Ecuador 2022

Dušan was an outstanding guide, with comprehensive knowledge of Ecuador's birds including their behaviours, habitats, calls, and identification. He is a pleasure to bird with, as he is passionate about all of the birds and has a unique ability to view even difficult situations in a positive light. He worked hard for the entirety of the trip tenaciously pursuing each target bird, and I never saw him take a break in the 30 days I was with him. He ensured that everyone in the group (or as many as possible) saw each bird, and regularly asked if everyone had seen birds that were called out. He also worked hard to ensure everyone's needs and requests were met, including an extra afternoon outing in the Galapagos per some participants' request. He was extraordinarily patient with clients, even when some became frustrated or difficult, and treated everyone as one would a good friend.

Tuomas Seimola
RE, Ecuador 2022

Before our trip Daniel Danckwerts, with Rockjumper, was so attentive with our question and concerns. This was a wonderful experience. My favorite was the week at Sani Lodge - fascinating and fun. The Galapagos was such a learning experience and Darwin (the Galapagos guide) was so knowledgeable and willing to answer any questions. Tuomas (our Rockjumper guide) was Very knowledgeable of birds and bird vocalizations. Very impressive and so helpful.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
AW & LW - Ecuador 2022

Dusan was simply amazing! He was the best guide we have ever had. He can identify thousands of birds by sounds. He was very gentle and patient, making the tour very enjoyable. He tried very hard so that everyone in the tour could see the birds. Indeed, we are looking for a next tour where he is the leader.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
EL, Ecuador 2022

One reason I did sign up was because of the excellent reputation of Dušan Brinkhuizen. A number of people told me what an excellent guide he was and, If I was ever to go to Ecuador, I should do so on one of his tours. They were not wrong. Dušan is exceptional for knowing the vast numbers of Ecuadorian birds and their calls. He can recognize a small chip or the legs and tail or even a partial description. Dušan is also a wonderful individual, helpful and entertaining. He is obviously very fond of his adopted country and cares much about the inhabitants and their lives.

Tuomas Seimola
SR & PT, Ecuador 2022

This was our first birding tour and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The support from the tour leader, the ground staff, hotel, boat and lodge staff, local guides and families was exceptional. In particular we'd like to express our appreciation to Tuomas whose local and bird knowledge, combined with people skills made this a really memorable trip.

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
