Colombia - Santa Marta Extension 2025

30 Jul 2025 - 04 Aug 2025 (6 days)

USD2,495 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Alexander Alvarado

Tour price (Per person): USD2,495 * GBP1,888 * EUR2,242 * AUD3,695

Single Supplement: USD190 * GBP144 * EUR171 * AUD281

Flight costs: USD90 * GBP68 * EUR81 * AUD133

Can be linked with:

Flight costs (Linked Tour): USD100 * GBP76 * EUR90 * AUD148

Colombia - Santa Marta Extension 2026

12 Aug 2026 - 17 Aug 2026 (6 days)

USD2,600 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Lisle Gwynn

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD2,600 * GBP1,968 * EUR2,336 * AUD3,851

Can be linked with: Colombia - Highlights 2026

Our Santa Marta tour takes us to the Santa Marta Mountains and the Guajira Peninsula on the northern coast of Colombia. The Santa Marta massif is an isolated mountain range, and its snow-capped peaks are the highest coastal mountains in the world. It is also one of the most endemic-rich regions of South America, hosting nearly 50 endemic and regional specialities plus numerous endemic subspecies several of which, upon further taxonomic review, are likely to be elevated to full species status in the future.

Top Birds

Santa Marta & Sierra Nevada Brushfinches; Santa Marta Bush Tyrant; Santa Marta Parakeet; Santa Marta Woodstar; Santa Marta Mountain Tanager; White-tailed Starfrontlet; Hermit Wood Wren; Santa Marta & White-lored Warblers; Yellow-crowned Whitestart; Black-backed Thornbill; Rusty-headed Spinetail; Santa Marta Blossomcrown; Santa Marta Antpitta; Santa Marta Screech Owl; Santa Marta & Brown-rumped Tapaculos; Vermilion Cardinal; Glaucous Tanager; Sapphire-bellied, Buffy & Sapphire-throated Hummingbirds; Red-billed & Coppery Emeralds; Ferruginous Pygmy Owl; Chestnut Piculet; Rufous-vented & Chestnut-winged Chachalacas; White-tipped Quetzal; Black-fronted Wood Quail; Bronze-brown Cowbird; Turquoise-winged Parrotlet.

Habitats Covered

Rainforest, dry forests, estuarine, xerophytic scrub

Expected Climate

Temperate to cold in highlands (El Dorado), hot and dry in the lowlands (Guajira Peninsula). Rain is likely on some days.

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader and 1 local leader

Tour Pace & Walking

This is a moderately difficult tour. Not suitable for dedicated photographers; or anyone with mobility / health challenges. Some very early mornings / long days.


Comfortable to good.

Ease of Birding

Moderate to demanding. Bird density is low in some areas, several difficult target species that require patience, persistence & repeat attempts (ie: Antpittas & Tapaculos).

Number of Species Expected


Other Attractions

spectacular Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta range, Caribbean Sea

Photographic Opportunities


What our clients say about us

Stephan Lorenz
KH & DH - Colombia 2019

Stephan Lorenz is an outstanding guide – extremely knowledgeable, extremely diligent in getting target birds, and is full of enthusiasm every day.  A real pleasure.

Robert Williams
SP, Colombia 2019

Rob did an outstanding job on this tour. He is an excellent birding guide, great personality and provided insights on a variety of diverse subject matters. I was also impressed with the local operator and their quick actions in dealing with unexpected situations like the general strike and road closure to Medellin.

Tuomas Seimola
MR, Colombia 2021

Tuomas is a great guide and excellent with bird IDs and helping people see all of the birds as much as possible. He also managed to maintain group morale despite a very ambitious and exhausting itinerary.

Robert Williams
BA, Colombia 2017

Rob Williams and the Rockjumper folks were absolutely fantastic in helping me after I lost my passport. They made sure I got back to Bogota for the embassy appointments, changing plans on the fly. Very impressive dedication to help customers.

Robert Williams
CA, Colombia 2017

From the several members of the office staff to the actual tour itself, I have nothing but high praise for my Rockjumper experience. This was my first tour with Rockjumper, but I hope it won't be my last. Alison and Sarah were tremendously helpful. Rob Williams is as good a leader as I have ever experienced. He not only knows the birds, but he made sure that we all got to see them, showing patience way beyond what I thought necessary. When one of our participants lost his passport, Rob bent over backwards to help this hapless person, never complaining while doing so. Rob always told us what the plan was for the next day. When Plan A didn't pan out, he had Plan B ready. If something went askew, he handled it with aplomb, always keeping his sense of humour. Did I mention he showed us wonderful birds? Oh, we saw some beautiful ones!

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
