Ghana - Mega Birding Tour I 2025

05 Jan 2025 - 26 Jan 2025 (22 days)

USD6,995 - 1 Space Available on this guaranteed departure

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Tour Leader: Quinton Paul Josop

Tour price (Per person): USD6,995 * GBP5,359 * EUR6,452 * AUD10,418

Single Supplement: USD850 * GBP651 * EUR784 * AUD1,266

Can be linked with: São Tomé & Príncipe - Endemics Extension I 2025

Ghana - Mega Birding Tour II 2025

24 Nov 2025 - 15 Dec 2025 (22 days)

USD6,995 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: David Hoddinott

Tour price (Per person): USD6,995 * GBP5,359 * EUR6,452 * AUD10,418

Single Supplement: USD850 * GBP651 * EUR784 * AUD1,266

Can be linked with:

Ghana - Mega Birding Tour I 2026

06 Jan 2026 - 27 Jan 2026 (22 days)

USD7,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: David Hoddinott

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD7,300 * GBP5,593 * EUR6,734 * AUD10,873

Can be linked with: São Tomé & Príncipe - Endemics Extension I 2026

Ghana - Mega Birding Tour II 2026

27 Nov 2026 - 18 Dec 2026 (22 days)

USD7,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: André Bernon

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD7,300 * GBP5,593 * EUR6,734 * AUD10,873

Can be linked with: São Tomé & Príncipe - Endemics Extension II 2026

Our Ghana Mega Birding tour itinerary affords even more time in Ghana's spectacular, ancient forests. We spend a full day birding in the gallery forest of Kalakpa which offers such star species as Puvel’s Illadopsis, Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat, Red-cheeked Wattle-eye, Capuchin Babbler and many more. In addition we spend time exploring the wonders of Kakum National Park, as well as remote forests in the Brong-Ahafo region where the much sought-after White-necked Rockfowl has recently been rediscovered. We have obtained special permission to visit these colonies located in community-managed forests and our stay will aid in the conservation of these endangered birds. Other forests near Kumasi and Atewa will also be explored. We also visit the remote forests of Ankasa in search of some very seldom seen birds including Akun Eagle-Owl, White-breasted Guineafowl, White-bellied Kingfisher and Brown Nightjar. On previous tours we have even found the near mythical Nkulengu Rail. Other forests will be visited in search of Rufous Fishing Owl and White-crested Tiger Heron. In a broad belt across the centre of Ghana lies an extensive tract of pristine, broad-leaved Guinea woodland and in this zone is our next base, the vast Mole National Park. The beautiful Oriole Warbler, Violet Turaco, several species of kingfishers, bee-eaters, rollers (including Blue-bellied), barbets (including the huge Bearded), sunbirds, starlings and seedeaters will certainly create a riot of colour! We will not ignore the typical savanna mammals that occur here and Mole boasts a healthy population of particularly well-habituated and good-natured elephants. As we travel into the seldom visited far north of Ghana, these woodlands give way to dry Sahelian savanna, home to some very special birds including the sought-after Standard-winged Nightjar, one of the world’s most uniquely adorned and spectacular birds! Here also we will search for the splendid Egyptian Plover. We will spend time exploring this remote region with its fascinating cultures, as well as other sites ranging from coastal lagoons, extensive coastal grasslands, moist savannas and higher-altitude forests. This Ghana Mega Birding tour is designed for the ardent birder intent on trying to see some of the rarest birds in Africa!

Top Birds

White-necked Rockfowl; Egyptian Plover; White-crested Tiger Heron; Hartlaub's Duck; White-breasted Guineafowl; Congo Serpent Eagle; Long-tailed Hawk; Rufous Fishing Owl; Fraser's & Akun Eagle-Owls; Forest & Ahanta Francolins; White-spotted Flufftail; Black-collared & Red-headed Lovebirds; Violet & Guinea Turacos; Blue-headed Wood Dove; Yellow-throated Cuckoo; Black-throated Coucal; Standard-winged & Brown Nightjars; Black Spinetail; Blue-bellied Roller; White-bellied & Chocolate-backed Kingfishers; Blue-moustached; Black & Rosy Bee-eaters; Black Dwarf, Red-billed Dwarf, Brown-cheeked, Black-casqued & Yellow-casqued Hornbills; African Piculet; Yellow-spotted, Yellow-billed & Bearded Barbets; White-headed & Forest Wood Hoopoes; Yellow-footed & Willcocks’s Honeyguides; Cassin’s Honeybird; Little Green Woodpecker; Red-fronted Antpecker; Rufous-sided Broadbill; Fernando Po Batis; Red-cheeked Wattle-eye; Emin's Shrike; Red-billed Helmetshrike; Many-colored Bushshrike; Marsh Tchagra; Sabine’s Puffback; Blue Cuckooshrike; Forest & Yellow Penduline Tits; Green-tailed & Grey-headed Bristlebills; Western Bearded Greenbul; Preuss’s Cliff & White-bibbed Swallows; Gambaga, Tessmann’s, Chestnut-capped, Ussher’s, Nimba & Little Grey Flycatchers; Sharpe’s & Black-capped Apalis; Tit Hylia; Rufous-crowned Eremomela; Kemp’s Longbill; Lemon-bellied Crombec; Puvel's, Blackcap & Rufous-winged Illadopsis; Capuchin & Blackcap Babblers; Violet-backed Hyliota; Copper-tailed Starling; Finsch’s Rufous Thrush; White-tailed Alethe; White-crowned Robin-Chat; Forest Scrub Robin; White-crowned Cliff & White-fronted Black Chats; Pygmy, Mangrove & Buff-throated Sunbirds; Oriole Warbler; Maxwell’s Black, Yellow-mantled & Preuss’s Weavers; Black-bellied Seedcracker; Western Bluebill; Exclamatory Paradise Whydah; African Pitta (rare).

Top Mammals

West African Potto; Pel’s Anomalure; Patas Monkey; Olive & King Colobus; African Elephant; Kob; African Buffalo; various forest duikers

Habitats Covered

lowland rainforest, broad-leaved woodlands, rivers & wetlands, Sahelian savanna

Expected Climate

hot conditions; dry in the north and humid in the south

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader & local birding leaders

Tour Pace & Walking

WARNING: This tour involves strenuous activities and is intended for experienced adventurers. If you prefer a more relaxed experience, please check out our [Explore Relaxed Tours]

Our Mega tours are very fast-paced birding adventures designed for the dedicated lister and serious birder. The focus of the tour is to see as many of the endemics and area specials as possible in our given time. In order to cover the necessary route to maximise the species list we tend to spend a single night at most sites and travel large distances. There is very little down time aside from that spent driving from one site to the next. These tours are not suitable for dedicated or avid photographers; inexperienced or new birders; as well as anyone with serious mobility or health challenges.


mostly comfortable hotels & lodges

Ease of Birding

moderate with some challenging species

Number of Species Expected


Other Attractions

Kakum canopy walkway, remote forests seldom visited by birders, Farafara tribesmen, Mole National Park, Sahelian savanna

Photographic Opportunities

worthwhile to good

What our clients say about us

Gregory de Klerk
MG, Ghana 2023

The Ghana tour was difficult is some ways due to the heat, humidity, dense forest birding, and limited facilities. That said, the birds were and the trip was well organized and brilliantly led by Greg and our local guide!

Gregory de Klerk
SM, Ghana 2022

"1.Rockjumper is the premier birding tour company, with their professional guides, comprehensive tours, good logistics and strong support staff. 2. The local outfitter provided the best local support ever. The local guides were much more than good local guides. They jumped in whenever assistance was needed; from setting the tables, to serving food, to inspecting the restrooms, to getting us on a difficult bird, to providing plenty of water and to delivering luggage. The restaurants always had the food ready upon arrival. The local office pre-paid for our arrival Covid-19 tests. Our driver, slowed for every speed-bump and pothole. He only made 1 wrong turn, which we teased him about. We all felt safe with him at the wheel. 3. The hotels, food, accommodations and logistics were satisfactory and good. 4. Greg de Klerk, our Rockjumper guide, was attentive and interested in our welfare. Two good things Greg did was to ask the group for feedback, such as “Yes, I got the bird.” Many of us were too quiet. Also, I liked it when Greg said the birds full name, twice. Sometimes, he even said the name three times. Between the different accents (South African & American), my diminished hearing and the variation in bird names (Clements vs. IOC), getting the bird names can be a real challenge."

André Bernon
AO, Ghana 2021

The tour was excellent and exceeded all my expectations. Andre was excellent and good fun.

André Bernon
GB, Ghana 2021

Andre was an excellent guide, working very well with the local guides.

Tuomas Seimola
NB & LL, Ghana 2018

Congratulations to our guides (Tuomas Seimola and Victor) who were simply excellent. Tuomas was always helpful and smiling. In addition to knowing all of the birds he did a great job of communicating the information.

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
