Tour Highlights – Brazil

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Tour Highlights – Brazil

Adam Riley co-led, with Marcelo Padua and Edson Endrigo, a record-breaking Rockjumper Brazil tour. We covered the world-famous Pantanal, the dry Choco woodlands of the Chapada region, the mighty Amazon at Rio Cristalino, and the bird-rich (but sadly threatened) Atlantic rainforests at Intervales and Ubatuba. Scoring nearly 600 species, we were treated to the very best that South America offers in terms of both bird and mammal sightings. Highlights included superb views of Tataupa Tinamou, a displaying Razor-billed Curassow at close quarters, fantastic Spot-winged Wood Quail sightings, scope views of Grey-bellied and White-browed Hawk from the Cristalino canopy tower, scope views of the enigmatic Cryptic Forest Falcon, more Sunbitterns and Sungrebes than we could shake a stick at, several difficult crakes and rails, no less than 32 parrots, including the breathtaking Hyacinth Macaw, unique Red-fan Parrot, rare Blue-bellied Parrot and even rarer Brown-backed Parrotlet, fantastic views of both Pheasant and Pavonine Cuckoo, Silky-tailed and Long-trained Nightjar, 25 hummingbirds, including a lek of spectacular Black-breasted Plovercrests, Black-girdled Barbet, numerous colourful toucans, 24 woodpeckers, Point-tailed Palmcreeper, 3 species of scythebill, Giant Antshrike, the as yet undescribed Sao Paulo Antwren and numerous other endemic and range-restricted antbirds, Black-spotted Bare-eye, Variegated Antpitta, the bizarre Spotted Bamboowren, Collared Crescentchest, Chapada Flycatcher and dozens of other tyrant flycatchers, the monotypic Sharpbill, Spangled and the striking Pompadour Cotinga, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, 12 colorful manakins, Buff-throated Purpletuft and 34 tanagers, including Golden-chevroned Tanager and many beautiful endemic species. We were also treated to numerous mammalian highlights, ranging from tiny Sac-winged Bats through to South America’s largest mammal, the Brazilian Tapir. Simply put, Brazil offers the very best of South America and can not be more highly recommended!