Uganda - Birds & Gorillas (Small Group) 2025

12 Aug 2025 - 28 Aug 2025 (17 days)

USD10,295 - No Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Glen Valentine

Pricing notes : 2024 permit costs (per person): Gorilla = $800, Chimp = $250

Tour price (Per person): USD10,295 * GBP7,795 * EUR9,257 * AUD15,267

Single Supplement: USD950 * GBP719 * EUR854 * AUD1,409

Can be linked with: Uganda - Fox's Weaver Extension 2025

Uganda - Birds & Gorillas (Small Group) 2026

11 Aug 2026 - 27 Aug 2026 (17 days)

USD10,700 - 4 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: David Hoddinott

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change* 2024 permit costs (per person): Gorilla = $800, Chimp = $250

Tour price (Per person): USD10,700 * GBP8,102 * EUR9,622 * AUD15,868

Can be linked with: Uganda - Fox's Weaver Extension 2026

From the source of the White Nile on Lake Victoria to the snow-capped Ruwenzori Range, the montane forests of the Virunga volcanoes, harbouring some of the last remaining Mountain Gorillas, to the extensive savannas around the awe-inspiring Murchison Falls, Uganda is an equatorial country of astonishing contrasts! No other area in Africa can match its amazing diversity of habitats (in an area approximately the size of Great Britain!), and this richness is reflected in its incredible bird list of over 1,000 species, making it arguably the richest African birding destination. Amongst these are many highly sought-after birds, including the unique Shoebill and the numerous spectacular endemics of the Albertine Rift Mountains. This tour provides a comprehensive coverage of Uganda while staying at some great lodges, and aside from the birds (over 500 species of them!), it offers superb game viewing and the chance to track Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees!

Please note: We cannot guarantee the availability of gorilla or chimp trekking permits, early booking is recommended to secure these permits. Permits costs are set by the Ugandan government and are non-refundable.

Top Birds

Shoebill; Heuglin’s & Handsome Spurfowls; Nahan’s Partridge; Cassin’s Hawk-Eagle; Grauer’s Broadbill; Red-faced Barbet; Green-breasted Pitta; Papyrus Gonolek; Lühder’s & Bocage’s Bushshrikes; Pennant-winged Nightjar; Red-throated Alethe; Ituri Batis; Great Blue Turaco; Blue Malkoha; Black Bee-eater; Blue-throated Roller; African Dwarf, Chocolate-backed, Shining-blue & Blue-breasted Kingfishers; Grauer’s & Neumann’s Warblers; Uganda & Red-throated Woodland Warblers; Fraser’s Rufous Thrush; White-tailed & Red-tailed Ant Thrushes; Lowland Masked, Mountain Masked & Ruwenzori Apalises; Afep & White-naped Pigeons; Red-chested Owlet; White-spotted Flufftail; African Finfoot; Brown-chested Lapwing; Grey-winged, Blue-shouldered & White-bellied Robin-Chats; Equatorial Akalat; White-bellied Crested Flycatcher; Magpie Mannikin; Joyful, Kakamega, Ansorge’s & Toro Olive Greenbuls; Dusky & Grey-chested Babblers; Jameson’s Antpecker; Dusky Crimsonwing; Weyns's & Strange Weavers; Mountain Sooty & Lowland Sooty Boubous; Forest & White-headed Wood Hoopoes; Speckle-breasted Woodpecker.

Top Mammals

Mountain Gorilla; Chimpanzee; L’Hoest’s, Red-tailed, Blue, Tantalus & Patas Monkeys; Guereza; Grey-cheeked Mangabey; Ugandan Red Colobus; African Elephant; Chequered Elephant Shrew; Leopard; Lion; Plain's Zebra; Forest Hog; Rothschild's Giraffe; African Buffalo; Common Eland; Common Hippopotamus; Bunyaro Rabbit.

Habitats Covered

mid-altitude & montane rainforest, woodlands, acacia savanna, grasslands, wetlands, papyrus swamps

Expected Climate

tropical to hot with some rain expected, much cooler in highlands

Max Group Size

6 with 1 Rockjumper leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Forest birding is moderate to demanding, some long travel days, long birding days, moderate to difficult trails.


Variable. Modern & comfortable at most sites to basic elsewhere.

Ease of Birding

Forest birding is moderate to demanding, several low-density species that require repeated effort.

Number of Species Expected


Other Attractions

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Nile & Kazinga cruises, Murchison Falls, African art

Photographic Opportunities

Average to good. Forest photography has typical lighting challenges. Better lighting in savanna areas. No dedicated hides.

What our clients say about us

David Hoddinott
DD, Private Uganda

Hi David. Just to say that we couldn’t have had a better trip. The more I think about it, the more remarkable it was. We couldn’t have asked for better encounters with our target birds and the mammal experiences were memorable. Thanks!!! The entire entourage was impressed by your skills and leadership. I’m glad we could make this happen. Looking forward to future trips.

David Hoddinott
PM & SM, Uganda

This tour more than met all our expectations: in terms of sightings, accommodations, leadership, and magnificence of the country. Of course, we knew David Hoddinott, and knew he would be superb. We'd highly recommend Rockjumper's Uganda tour, we loved it and appreciate David's expertise and leadership.

Daniel Danckwerts
JH - Uganda 2019

Daniel Danckwerts' fantastic field skills and knowledge, combined with his sense of humour and enthusiasm for showing as many birds as possible to all participants make him an ideal birding guide.

Daniel Danckwerts
AM - Uganda 2019

Firstly, I want to express my amazement at the skills and knowledge of your guides, including Daniel Danckwerts. I cannot imagine how they become so proficient in the birds of several different countries! Daniel also seemed to have good organisational skills. Daniel was also respectful and professional with the group, and we all liked him.

David Hoddinott
HJ - Uganda 2019

The tour with David Hoddinott was excellent and made a deep impression on us!! My feeling is that David liked it all, too, and we had lots of fun plus lots of birds, including the targets!! Super! I got my most essential targets (19!), A-M got hers [about 100 new targets (!!)] and David also got a lifer and apparently also a second African- or Uganda-new. One great experience for us was to see his joy (and the driver´s joy) when David got his lifer (Ring-necked Francolin!). They together performed a fantastic performance to celebrate the event! Thanks for all you and Rockjumper have done for my wife and me during our Uganda trip for us with Rockjumper - tailor-made! All Great!

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Route Map

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