Mexico - Oaxaca 2025

08 Mar 2025 - 17 Mar 2025 (10 days)

USD4,995 - 4 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Robert Wilcox

Tour price (Per person): USD4,995 * GBP3,827 * EUR4,607 * AUD7,440

Single Supplement: USD500 * GBP383 * EUR461 * AUD745

Can be linked with: Mexico - Veracruz & Eastern Sierras Extension 2025

Mexico - Oaxaca 2026

11 Mar 2026 - 20 Mar 2026 (10 days)

USD5,200 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Lev Frid

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD5,200 * GBP3,984 * EUR4,797 * AUD7,745

Can be linked with: Mexico - Veracruz & Eastern Sierras Extension 2026

Our comprehensive exploration of Oaxaca is jam-packed with specialties taking in the major birding sites of Teotitlan del Valle, Benito Juarez National Park, Cerro San Felipe, the archaeological spectacle of Monte Alban and Huatulco. With a high level of endemicity, we set out to find dry interior endemics such as Ocellated Thrasher, Bridled and Oaxaca Sparrows, Boucard's Wren, Dwarf Jay, and the diminutive Dwarf Vireo. Cerro San Felipe is expected to reward us with Russet Nightingale-Thrush and the piercing Red Warbler, possibly one of the most attractive birds in all of North America. As we marvel at the iconic Monte Alban, we will also be searching for the endemic Slaty Vireo, Ocellated Thrasher and Blue Mockingbird. Our time in Huatulco will be spent birding the endemic strewn Sierra de Miahuatlán for such delights as Long-tailed Wood Partridge, Blue-capped Hummingbird, White-faced Quail-Dove, Mexican Hermit, Long-billed and Plain-capped Starthroat, West Mexican Chachalaca, Citreoline Trogon and Red-breasted Chat.

Top Birds

Unicolored, Azure-hooded, White-throated & Dwarf Jays; White-throated Magpie-Jay; Blue-capped, Beautiful, Dusky, Garnet-throated, Azure-crowned, Emerald-chinned, Cinnamon & Green-fronted Hummingbirds; Wedge-tailed Sabrewing; Mexican Hermit; Long-billed & Plain-capped Starthroats; West Mexican Chachalaca; Pileated Flycatcher; Blue Mockingbird; Ocellated Thrasher; White-throated & Collared Towhees; Oaxaca Sparrow; Long-tailed Wood Partridge; Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo; Brown-backed Solitaire; Red & Red-faced Warblers; Slate-throated & Painted Whitestarts; Lesser Roadrunner; Spotted Wood Quail; Black & Ornate Hawk-Eagles; White-faced Quail-Dove; Colima & Central American Pygmy Owls; Slaty Vireo; Aztec Thrush; Grey-crowned Woodpecker; Vermiculated Screech Owl; Lesser Ground Cuckoo; Citreoline Trogon; Russet-crowned Motmot; Boucard’s, Happy & Banded Wrens; Red-breasted Chat; Blue & Orange-breasted Buntings; Hooded Yellow-throat; Wagler’s (Emerald) Toucanet; Townsend’s, Wedge-tailed, Galapagos, Black-vented, Christmas & Pink-footed Shearwaters; Black, Least & Wedge-rumped Storm Petrels; Red-billed Tropicbird.

Habitats Covered

intermontane valley scrub, pine & oak forests, pelagic, humid cloud forest, subtropical forest, pacific thorn forest and foothill riparian forests

Expected Climate

mostly warm with some light drizzle expected in the cloud forests. Can be cool to cold at higher elevations (and on the pelagic). Humidty can be expected in low lying areas

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader & local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

moderate, with some long days in the field



Ease of Birding

mostly easy to moderate with some tricky/rare target species

Other Attractions

pre-Colombian archaeological sites of Monte Alban & Yagul, Oaxaca City.

Photographic Opportunities


What our clients say about us

David Hoddinott
GW & BW, Mexico 2022

David was brilliant, as usual, and the Mexican guides were also exceptional, making for a really good tour. Great country, fabulous birds, would like to go back.

Adam Walleyn
DH, Mexico 2023

Thanks again to the team at the office for setting up this trip. It was a great success. Adams experience as a guide really showed through. He was very knowledgeable regarding birds and other wildlife and also handled all the logistics smoothly. The local guides were extremely skilled brothers and were a great addition to the group. The accommodations and food were excellent. I will be using Rockjumper again in the future.

Adam Walleyn
GB & DB - Mexico 2022

"We are pleased to report on our recent Rockjumper birding adventure after spending four weeks (March 22 - April 17) exploring many of Mexico’s best birding sites during back-to-back trips to the states of Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. We were guided by Rockjumper’s Adam Walleyn and his local contact, Eric. Adam guided us in previous trips to Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, Cuba, Jamaica and Dominican Republic, and we have always been impressed by his worldwide birding expertise and his knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, all wildlife. Eric (a Mexican, living in Oaxaca, and fluent in English) has intimate knowledge of literally every bird species that resides in or migrates through Mexico - over 900 species. We slept well and ate extravagantly. Our drivers did an outstanding job of driving safely and minimizing the discomforts of numerous speed bumps and potholes. We birded in a diversity of landscapes that varied from sea level (during a morning coastal/pelagic cruise), to a mangrove forest, to desert scrub and to cloud forests where elevations were over 8000 feet. The highlight of our trip was, of course, the wildlife. We recorded a total of almost 500 bird species during the three trips - 20 of those were heard only. But with Eric’s guidance we had an exceptional opportunity to absorb Mexican culture. We visited ancient stone ruins, enjoyed delicious meals in small village homes (fincas) of farmers and coffee growers, and were pleased to view the products of skilled woodworkers and potters. Adam and Eric did their best to ensure that everyone in our diverse group saw every bird that we encountered. Everyday we were amazed by their skill in spotting and hearing birds and getting their scopes on the birds so that all could see. Their warmth and passion were felt and appreciated by all. We never felt threatened or insecure during our month-long trip. Mask wearing in Mexico is a law with near 100% compliance, including outdoors (our group complied when outside the van). We had no heath issues associated with food and drinks. "

David Hoddinott
JB & TB, Mexico 2022

Our trip, a long time in the waiting, was nothing short of a triumph. David led us again with passion, interest and focus. Jorge, our local guide. and his wife Amy who joined us were a triumph leading us to, and putting us on many many lifers. The travel arrangements were well made, the hotels were comfortable and the meals copious. Our first trip to Mexico will most certainly not be our last. Roll on the Yucatan!

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Route Map

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