Guatemala - Eastern Slope Extension 2026

06 Jan 2026 - 09 Jan 2026 (4 days)

USD2,000 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Robert Wilcox

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD2,000 * GBP1,514 * EUR1,797 * AUD2,962

Can be linked with: Guatemala - Specialities of Central America 2026

Our short four day extension to Guatemala's eaterm slope puts us in position to find some very tricky and range restricted specials of the dry Motagua Valley as well as the pristine cloud forest of Biotopo Quetzal and Mayan town of Coban. A host of interesting, extraordinarily beautiful and specialist species await.

Top Birds

Resplendent Quetzal, Green-throated Mountaingem, Northern Tufted & Nutting’s Flycatchers, Unicolored & Azure-hooded Jays, Golden-cheeked, Golden-winged, Blue-winged, Magnolia, Hooded & Crescent-chested Warblers, Blue-crowned Chlorophonia, Black-headed Nightingale-thrush, Lesser Roadrunner, Lesser Ground Cuckoo, Russet-crowned Motmot, White-lored Gnatcatcher, Rufous-naped Wren, Streak-backed & Yellow-backed Oriole, Stripe-headed Sparrow, Varied Bunting, Collared Forest Falcon, Black Hawk-Eagle, Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge, Stripe-throated Hermit, Violet Sabrewing, Azure-crowned Hummingbird, Tody Motmot, Emerald Toucanet, Scaled Antpitta, Ruddy Foliage-gleaner, Eye-ringed Flatbill, Black-capped Swallow, Slate-colored Solitaire, Crimson-collared Tanager, White-faced Ground Sparrow, Stripe-tailed Hummingbird, White-bellied Emerald, Keel-billed Toucan, Great Antshrike, Mayan Antthrush, Northern Bentbill, Stub-tailed Spadebill, White-collared & Red-capped Manakins, Green Shrike-Vireo, Green Jay, Olive-backed Euphonia

Habitats Covered

dry thorn forests, cloud forest, east slope shade coffee

Expected Climate

mostly tropical conditions; warm and humid, can get cool to cold in the highlands

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader & 1 local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Moderate. The main tour is a target focused trip. Not suitable for dedicated photographers; inexperienced birders; or anyone with mobility or health challenges. The Tikal extension is slower paced.


Comfortable, some lodges are reasonably simple.

Ease of Birding

Moderate, with mostly forest birding. A number of skulkers and low-density targets.

Other Attractions

great people, varied Mayan cultures, excellent arts & crafts, fantastic scenery

Photographic Opportunities

Average to good. Many species are seen within the forest or in the canopy.

What our clients say about us

Lev Frid
GS, Guatemala 2022

"Lev and our local guide did a great job with the tour. They were professional while keeping the experience fun and entertaining. They worked very well together, and with the other local guides, and the quality of their guiding was top notch. They worked hard to give everyone on the tour a great experience, and they pulled out a number of tough species with their patience and diligence that gave the group some truly lasting memories. Our driver was excellent, safely working our rather large bus through the city mazes and narrow country roads with skilful expertise. And the accommodations were overall very nice, even with the occasional hot water issue. I was glad that I did bring layers, though, since we spent more time at greater altitude than I had imagined, and it was quite cool at times. I definitely enjoyed the tour, and look forward to more Rockjumper trips."

Dušan Brinkhuizen
BS, Guatemala 2017

Dušan is an exceptional guide in all respects. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience, is courteous and diplomatic with the clients, and excellent with the local people. I could not ask for anything more. Thank you very much for providing this tour. For me, it was a success in every way. I will definitely recommend Rockjumper to anyone interested in birding in the future. You guys do a great job.

Clayton Burne
FB, Guatemala

All around great fun trip, with logistics and plans for upcoming activities presented clearly and in time for proper preparation. Clayton was very prepared and we enjoyed traveling with him very much.

Adam Walleyn
TJ & AJ, Guatemala 2019

Adam Walleyn was an excellent tour leader; he knew a lot about the birds, handled the group very well and has a wealth of experience in leading tours and in other aspects of ecological/environmental study & travel. We appreciated the fact that Adam did not carry a camera and therefore was able to devote his time/energy to finding the birds and getting people on to them.

Alexander Alvarado
RG, Guatemala 2023

The tour leader and local guides were friendly and patient. They worked hard to find the birds they thought we should see and made sure everyone got a look at each bird. I was especially impressed by their enthusiasm. They must have seen these birds numerous times before but acted as though it was the first time. Given the political issues we had to deal with, I dont think any other tour company could have managed the situation as well as Rockjumper. Finally, a special mention to our driver, Louis, he did a terrific job under difficult circumstances. A wonderful experience, much fun.

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Route Map

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