Europe - Birding the Iron Curtain 2025

06 May 2025 - 18 May 2025 (13 days)

USD4,695 - 3 Spaces Available on this guaranteed departure

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Tour Leader: Local Leader

Tour price (Per person): USD4,695 * GBP3,597 * EUR4,331 * AUD6,993

Single Supplement: USD690 * GBP529 * EUR636 * AUD1,028

Europe - Birding the Iron Curtain 2026

05 May 2026 - 17 May 2026 (13 days)

USD4,900 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Local Leader

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD4,900 * GBP3,754 * EUR4,520 * AUD7,298

Our comprehensive Central and Eastern European birding tour takes in several unique areas situated in four countries: the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. Though the focus is essentially upon the region’s birds, we will certainly not neglect the many cultural and historical sites and old towns that we will encounter. Indeed, this is a region steeped in history, both ancient and recent, and there will be opportunities to opt out of some of the birding excursions for those who wish to take in a little history instead.

Central and Eastern Europe are quite simply superb for birds and birdwatchers. There are plenty of 'eastern' specialties that rarely, if ever, venture into the western regions of the continent; in fact, many species are far more abundant and easier to find in the east, no doubt due to its lack of development compared to the more affluent west. The likes of Pygmy Cormorant, Ferruginous Duck, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Saker Falcon, Little Crake, Syrian, Grey-headed and White-backed Woodpeckers (in fact, all 10 European woodpecker species are possible on this tour!), River Warbler and Lesser Grey Shrike are some of the species that come to mind. We also spend some time near the Mediterranean, taking in the delights of Croatia for Rock Partridge, Black-eared Wheatear, Eastern Orphean Warbler, Sombre Tit, Western Rock Nuthatch and Black-headed Bunting. Other more widespread but no less spectacular birds include Golden Eagle, Griffon Vulture, Great Bustard, Common Crane, Eurasian and Little Bittern, Black Woodpecker and the beautiful Bluethroat.

We will stay in small guesthouses in good birding locations throughout this tour, and food will always consist of local cuisine. Several of the areas we visit are also wine-growing regions and we will no doubt sample a few!

Top Birds

European Green, Black, White-backed, Middle Spotted & Syrian Woodpeckers; Ferruginous Duck; Pygmy Cormorant; Eurasian & Little Bitterns; Bearded Reedling; Eurasian Spoonbill; Eastern Imperial Eagle; Saker Falcon; Red-footed Falcon colonies; Long-legged Buzzard; Little Crake; Great Bustard; Kentish Plover; Caspian Gull; White-winged Tern; Alpine Swift; European Roller; Eurasian Eagle-Owl; Tawny Pipit; Barred, Moustached, Cetti's, Subalpine, Eastern Orphean & River Warblers; Collared Flycatcher;, Eurasian Penduline Tit; Short-toed Treecreeper; Lesser Grey Shrike; Eurasian Golden Oriole; Rock Partridge; Western Black-eared Wheatear, Sombre Tit, Western Rock Nuthatch and Black-headed Bunting.

Top Mammals

Roe Deer; Red Deer; Red Fox; Common Souslik; bats

Habitats Covered

Wetlands (reed-beds, lakes, fishponds, marshes, riverine woods), coniferous and deciduous woodlands, mountain crags, grasslands

Expected Climate

Temperate, mainly mild

Max Group Size

8 with 1 local leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Reasonably easy. Most walks on flat ground, paved/gravel roads. A few longer hikes on rougher ground with short inclines (optional). Some boggy areas.



Ease of Birding

Moderate to undemanding. Most species provide good visuals in open conditions.

Number of Species Expected


Other Attractions

ancient historical buildings & sites, great scenery, excellent food & wine

Photographic Opportunities

Good to very good.

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Route Map

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