Black Skimmer – the thrill of the chase

Black Skimmer – the thrill of the chase

Having birded extensively throughout Africa and being very fortunate to have already seen 2077 species on the continent, you can imagine my surprise and delight when, after having just returned home from a fabulous Angola tour, I was informed that a Black Skimmer (a major vagrant from the Americas) had turned up...

Significant Ethiopian discovery – Heteromirafra larks

Significant Ethiopian discovery – Heteromirafra larks

David Hoddinott has recently returned from 3 Ethiopian tours with several exciting discoveries under his belt. He writes: On the 21st January, I travelled to north-eastern Ethiopia with a group on a reconnaissance birding tour. We visited the remote area of Jijiga, little visited by foreigners, let alone other...

African birding and a new bird record for Ethiopia

African birding and a new bird record for Ethiopia

Rockjumper’s David Hoddinott and Adam Riley are two of only 4 birders who have seen over 2000 birds on mainland Africa and nearby islands (this excludes Madagascar, Seychelles and other surrounding islands). On the Rockjumper news page David shared his story of his road to 2000...