15 Nov 2025 - 30 Nov 2025 (16 days)
USD7,595 - Spaces Available
Tour Leader: Robert Williams
27 Oct 2026 - 11 Nov 2026 (16 days)
USD6,900 - Spaces Available
Tour Leader: Adam Walleyn
Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated, and dates may change*
Tour price (Per person): USD6,900 * GBP5,461 * EUR6,587 * AUD10,860
Can be linked with: Peru - Iquitos Endemics 2026
Our tour of Peru’s central Andes is designed to search for a wide variety of scare and rare species, many of which are localised endemics, a testament to the rich avian diversity of Peru in general. A mountainous country, Peru’s isolated valleys and cordilleras have seen avian evolution at its finest, with many species being described to science in recent years.
We will visit a variety of habitats during our tour, including high-altitude lakes, cloud forests, and Andean grasslands. This will give us the opportunity to find more than 50 endemics, including some of the most sought-after birds in Peru.
Just some of the birds we are targeting include Golden-backed Mountain Tanager, Pardusco, Rufous-browed Hemispingus, Junin Grebe, Creamy-bellied Antwren, Fiery-throated Metaltail, Marcapata Spinetail, Eye-ringed Thistletail, Black-spectacled Brushfinch, several antpittas and tapaculos, Masked Fruiteater, Bay-vented and White-cheeked Cotingas, Royal, White-bellied and Peruvian Seaside Cinclodes, Tit-like Dacnis and Yellow-scarfed Tanager.
Junin Grebe; Black-necked Hillstar; Bronze-tailed Comet; Coppery, Fiery-throated & Black Metaltails; Green-and-white Hummingbird; 'Junin' Rail; Black-necked Woodpecker; Creamy-bellied Antwren; Bay, Chestnut, Chachapoyas, Panao & Junin Antpittas; Junin, Jalca, Large-footed, Neblina & Tschudi's Tapaculos; Coastal & Dark-winged Miners; Striated Earthcreeper; White-bellied & Peruvian Seaside Cinclodes; Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail; Junin & Cactus Canasteros; Eye-ringed Thistletail; Marcapata & Creamy-crested Canasteros; Cerulean-capped Manakin; Masked Fruiteater; White-cheeked & Bay-vented Cotingas; Inca Flycatcher; Peruvian Tyrannulet; Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant; Peruvian Wren; Tricolored, Black-spectacled, 'Taczanowski's' & Rusty-bellied Brushfinches; 'Peruvian' Citrine Warbler; Rufous-backed Inca Finch; White-browed Hemispingus; Brown-flanked & Yellow-scarfed Tanagers; Pardusco; Tit-like Dacnis; 'Streak-crowned' & Golden-backed Mountain Tanagers.
cloud forest, high altitude lakes, polylepis forest, coffee plantations, foothill forest
variable from very warm to cold. High altitude areas can be very cold. At lower altitude, can be warm to very hot on the western coast. Some rain is to be expected.
8 with 1 Rockjumper leader
fast paced, several long, winding drives
variable from basic to comfortable
moderate to difficult
worthwhile to good
Forrest Rowland is a terrific guide. He was incredibly knowledgeable of the birds we encountered on our trip. Further, he is very friendly, engaging and enthusiastic. I’d be quite pleased to join him again on any birding tour in the Neotropics.
Guides were awesome. Found lots of birds; guide was way too knowledgeable about the bird species and taxonomy.
Rob Williams is the best guide I have ever birded with - wonderful birding and people skills.
This is my first birdwatching tour organized by a company such as Rockjumper, but I have been on tours organized by my local Naturalist Society. Both Rob and Miguel were excellent. They worked extremally hard to keep everyone happy, find as many species as possible and get everyone onto each sighting.
This tour and the extension tour were exceptional. Of course the birds were a real pleasure to view, scenery was unbelievable, food and lodging were excellent. The main highlight were the people. A wonderful, fun group to be with. Hope I see everyone on another trip. The driver not only carried us many miles safely, he did so many other things for us, making certain getting out of bus safely, setting up for meals, and on and on. The local guide got us onto so many birds with his x-ray vision (seemed that way) and was helpful in so many ways. He and the driver were simply put, very nice people. I addition to his obvious bird locating and identification skills, Lev has exceptional people skills with his attentiveness and humor. I had a problem with the altitude one day. I wa., to put it simply.. very slow..lots of breaks. Lev was with the whole way and made certain I was OK. I am very appreciative for that. Thanks again. Its things like that, to me, that makes a guide exceptional. Lev is an exceptional guide. Now to the office team. Wow. Tia and Sarah were so helpful to me with all the questions I had. Not only do they have the answers. the answers come quickly. And I thank them for their patience. As usual, a wonderful job. Thanks again. Lastly, to the Peruvian people, the tour group, the guides, drivers, cooks, office staff and to many others. Thank you. Take care everyone.
Peru - Northern: Marañón Endemics & Marvelous Spatuletail 2024 - October 2024
Peru - Northern: Scarlet-banded Barbet Extension 2024 - October 2024
Peru - Iquitos Endemics 2024 - October 2024
Peru - Central: Rare Andean Endemics 2024 - September 2024
Peru - Northern: Marañón Endemics & Marvelous Spatuletail 2023 - October 2023
Peru - Southern: Machu Picchu Extension 2023 - April 2023
Peru - Southern: Classic Andes & Manu Road 2023 - April 2023
Peru - Southern: Lima & Ancash Extension 2023 - April 2023
Peru - Northern: Marañón Endemics & Marvelous Spatuletail 2021 - September 2021
Peru - Northern: Marañón Endemics & Marvelous Spatuletail 2018 - September 2018
Peru - Northern: Marañón Endemics & Marvelous Spatuletail 2016 - September 2016
Peru - Northern: Marañón Endemics & Marvelous Spatuletail 2015 - September 2015
Peru - Northern: Marañón Endemics & Marvelous Spatuletail 2014 - September 2014