29 Nov 2025 - 02 Dec 2025 (4 days)
USD1,895 - Spaces Available
Tour Leader: James Wade Lee
Tour price (Per person): USD1,895 * GBP1,466 * EUR1,739 * AUD3,013
Single Supplement: USD140 * GBP108 * EUR128 * AUD223
Flight costs: USD430 * GBP333 * EUR395 * AUD684
Tour Leader: Nigel Redman
Tour price (Per person): USD1,895 * GBP1,466 * EUR1,739 * AUD3,013
Single Supplement: USD150 * GBP116 * EUR138 * AUD239
Flight costs: USD440 * GBP340 * EUR404 * AUD700
Tour Leader: Carlos Bocos
Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated, and dates may change*
Tour price (Per person): USD1,900 * GBP1,470 * EUR1,743 * AUD3,021
15 Dec 2027 - 18 Dec 2027 (4 days)
USD2,400 - Spaces Available
Tour Leader: Richard Stratton Hatfield
Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated, and dates may change*
Tour price (Per person): USD2,400 * GBP1,857 * EUR2,202 * AUD3,816
To do full justice to the cultural aspects of this fascinating country, we offer an incredible Ethiopia historical tour extension to the northern town of Lalibela where we explore the unique 12th century monolithic churches, hewn out of solid rock and which took an estimated 25 years to construct, now appropriately considered one of the wonders of the world!
Whilst our main focus during the Ethiopia historical tour will naturally be these amazing monuments, we can also expect some excellent birding. Possible species include White-collared Pigeon, White-winged Cliff Chat, Erckel’s Francolin, Egyptian Vulture, White-fronted Black Chat, Abyssinian Catbird, Little Rock Thrush, Thick-billed Raven, White-backed Black Tit, Hemprich’s Hornbill, the scarce endemic Banded Barbet, Black-billed Woodhoopoe and large flocks of White-billed Starlings.
White-backed Black Tit; Thick-billed Raven; Banded Barbet; White-billed Starling; Rüppell's & White-fronted Black Chats; White-winged Cliff Chat; Erckel's Spurfowl; Yellow-rumped & Brown-rumped Seedeaters; Wattled Ibis; White-collared Pigeon; Abyssinian Catbird.
arid escarpments
temperate in highlands
8 with 1 Rockjumper leader
UNDEMANDING: This tour is ideal for birders and wildlife enthusiasts of all experience levels. It’s suitable for most mobility levels and offers a relaxed pace, ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone.
moderate pace, mostly undemanding walks
basic but comfortable
The guide, Greg de Klerk, did a good job. He was well informed regarding the participants and tried hard to accommodate everyone's needs. He made a good effort to inform us daily as to what birds we might see, which was very helpful.
This tour was designed to see endemic birds during the summer with full breeding plumage. The pace was fast and called for extensive time in vehicles racing from site to site to get the birds. This was great for getting birds but tough on the participants, if they expected time to relax. I enjoyed the birds but not the time riding in cars. The number of species seen was astounding and the birds were great. Knowing that accommodations would be "basic" was realistic but still tough at times. Fortunately, our group did well together and this helped compensate for the facilities at times. I reached my goal for birds and I hope to enjoy trips again in the future.
"As expected, the accommodations and infrastructure in Ethiopia had their challenges. We find that as we are aging these challenges become more difficult. So our plan for the future is to do trips with higher end lodges, good sanitation and well paved roads. This is no reflection on Rockjumpers just the reality of our now being in our 70's. Time to do some easier trips! Our leader, David Hoddinott, was outstanding. His enthusiasm for the birds of Ethiopia was contagious, his knowledge incredible and his ability to handle all the logistics shows that he is a seasoned leader. Thank you to the entire team at Rockjumpers for another incredible trip. "
Another very good Rockjumper Tour despite some itinerary changes due to seasonally wet weather and the last 2 days being re-organised due to potential security concerns North of Addis. Stephan and our local leader were on top of all aspects of the trip working hard to ensure we saw as many of the endemics as possible. A memorable evening where we we able to connect with Star-spotted Nightjar will live long in the mind. All the drivers were excellent and kept the vehicles clean and comfortable.
Just a few comments on the recent Ethiopia Summer Highland Endemics tour guided by David Hodinott. First, I want to commend David on his skills as a leader and guide. His logistic and organizational skills are first-class and his knowledge of the bird life in Ethiopia matchless. His interpersonal skills with the group kept people on time, focused and successful in getting good looks at most species and great looks at many. That was his challenging task and he accomplished it with passion and patience, two qualities that are often difficult to combine.
Ethiopia - Endemic Birding (Small Group) 2024 - December 2024
Ethiopia - Lalibela Extension II 2024 - December 2024
Ethiopia - Endemic Birding II 2024 - November 2024
Ethiopia - Lalibela Extension I 2024 - January 2024
Ethiopia - Endemic Birding I 2024 - January 2024
Ethiopia - Endemic Birding II 2023 - November 2023
Ethiopia - Summer Endemics 2023 - June 2023
Ethiopia - Endemic Birding (Small Group) 2023 - February 2023
Ethiopia - Brewer 2023 - January 2023
Ethiopia - Endemic Birding III 2022 - November 2022
Ethiopia - Endemic Birding (Small Group) 2022 - February 2022
Ethiopia - Budget Birding 2019 - November 2019
Ethiopia - Endemics Birding II 2019 - November 2019
Ethiopia - Summer Endemics 2019 - May 2019
Ethiopia - Endemics Birding I 2019 - January 2019
Ethiopia - Budget Birding 2018 - November 2018
Ethiopia - Mega Birding 2018 - January 2018
Ethiopia - Endemics Birding I 2018 - January 2018