Our Eastern Andes tour is a great introduction to birding the mighty Andes of South America. We will be exploring the vast east slope for local specialities and will visit a wide array of fascinating habitats and elevations. Travelling from snow-capped volcanoes down to pristine cloud forests will be not only an incredible experience but will also offer superb birding and scenery every day!

Stunning species that we will be searching for include Andean Condor, Carunculated Caracara, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Giant Hummingbird, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Torrent Duck, Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Inca Jay, White-bellied Antpitta, the San Isidro “mystery” Owl, Golden-headed and Crested Quetzals and Masked Trogon, to mention a few! Rare species that we will also be searching for include Andean Ibis, Andean Potoo, Red-rumped Bush Tyrant, Greater Scythebill, Bicolored Antvireo, Peruvian and Crescent-faced Antpittas, White-capped Tanager and Masked Mountain Tanager. A great network of birding reserves, together with good infrastructure, unsurpassable scenery, fine dining, and friendly people make the eastern Andes of Ecuador another key destination on the world birding circuit.

Top Birds

Andean Condor; Carunculated Caracara; Torrent Duck; Black-faced Ibis; Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe; Black-winged Ground Dove; Ecuadorian Hillstar; Giant & Sword-billed Hummingbirds; Viridian Metaltail; Long-tailed Sylph; Tourmaline Sunangel; Chestnut-breasted Coronet; White-bellied Woodstar; Glowing Puffleg; Black-tailed Trainbearer; Rainbow-bearded & Blue-mantled Thornbills; San Isidro “mystery” Owl; Rufous-bellied Nighthawk; Andean Potoo; White-capped Parrot; Grey-breasted & Black-billed Mountain Toucans; Masked Trogon; Golden-headed & Crested Quetzals; Crimson-mantled Woodpecker; Long-tailed & Paramo Tapaculos; Tawny, White-bellied, Peruvian, Slaty-crowned & Crescent-faced Antpittas; Andean Tit-Spinetail; Stout-billed & Bar-winged Cinclodes; Many-striped Canastero; Pearled Treerunner; Greater Scythebill; Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant; Red-rumped Bush Tyrant; Agile Tit-Tyrant; Handsome Flycatcher; Inca Jay; Black-billed Peppershrike; Black-eared Hemispingus; Black-backed Bush Tanager; Buff-breasted, Masked, Blue-winged and Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanagers; Saffron-crowned, Beryl-spangled, Flame-faced, Black-capped, Grass-green, Golden-crowned & White-capped Tanagers; Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia; Bluish Flowerpiercer; Golden-collared Honeycreeper; Pale-naped Brushfinch; Subtropical Cacique.

Top Mammals

White-tailed Deer; Andean Fox; Mountain Tapir (rare); Spectacled Bear (rare)

Habitats Covered

paramo grasslands and highland lakes, temperate tree line forest & polylepis, temperate cloud-forest, upper and lower subtropical cloud-forest

Expected Climate

chilly at high elevations but pleasant in the subtropics

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader & local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

easy to moderate pace


comfortable lodges

Ease of Birding

easy birding with some tricky skulkers

Number of Species Expected

200 - 250

Photographic Opportunities

excellent, especially at Antisana, San Isidro and Guango

What our clients say about us

Dušan Brinkhuizen
MW, Ecuador 2023

What a tour! We ended up with nearly 700 species seen and heard, and I ended up with almost twice as many lifers than I had anticipated. Dusan was excellent: Attentive to those having difficulties, enthusiastic, energetic, indefatigable, and a complete whiz at the birds. He was as excited about each new sighting as was the rest of the group, right through to the last day. We saw many very special birds, birds that I have missed over three previous trips to Ecuador as well as quite rare birds that, although specialties for this tour, require great effort and skill to unveil (think Buff-fronted Owl). Climate change affected the tour to a certain extent, but Dusan always had a clever plan or an alternative site to try for the bird again. The tour was a bit more strenuous than the itinerary led me to believe, but all at the participants willingly went the extra mile with Dusan every time. We were fortunate to have a pretty good group, a great driver, and good luck with the weather.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
AG, Ecuador 2019

An excellent tour with an excellent guide. Dušan's knowledge of all the vocalizations is exceptional and he made sure I saw almost all the birds the group managed to see.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
JM, Ecuador 2018

I was particularly impressed by Dušan Brinkhuizen. His knowledge of Ecuadorian birds, both visual and auditory, was amazing. He showed an unflagging energy and was sensitive to the myriad of special interests of our participants.

Lev Frid
SL, Ecuador 2024

Both Lev (rockjumper guide) and Andres (local guide) were excellent. Both were extremely patient, always upbeat, interacted well with the tour participants, were great birders, and answered any questions put to them. A very unique way to explore the archipelago, could not recommend it enough.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
YB - Ecuador 2024

Dušan is the best guide we can ask for this trip ! His expertise is top notch and enthusiasm contagious !!! Even though he's been birding in Ecuador for years and has seen over 1,600 species of birds there, he showed us how he appreciated every single species we discovered, especially those hard-to-get ones ! We'd love to have him as our guide again in the future !

Ecuador - Northern: Eastern Andes II 2024

06 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024 (7 days)

USD2,895 - Spaces Available

Book Now

Tour Leader: Robert Wilcox

Tour price (Per person): USD2,895 * GBP2,269 * EUR2,678 * AUD4,303

Single Supplement: USD300 * GBP235 * EUR277 * AUD446

Can be linked with: Ecuador - Northern: Ultimate Amazon II 2024

Ecuador - Northern: Eastern Andes I 2025

16 Feb 2025 - 22 Feb 2025 (7 days)

USD2,995 - Spaces Available

Book Now

Tour Leader: James Wade Lee

Tour price (Per person): USD2,995 * GBP2,347 * EUR2,770 * AUD4,451

Single Supplement: USD390 * GBP306 * EUR361 * AUD580

Can be linked with:

Ecuador - Northern: Eastern Andes II 2025

05 Nov 2025 - 11 Nov 2025 (7 days)

USD2,995 - Spaces Available

Book Now

Tour Leader: Adam Walleyn

Tour price (Per person): USD2,995 * GBP2,347 * EUR2,770 * AUD4,451

Single Supplement: USD390 * GBP306 * EUR361 * AUD580

Can be linked with: Ecuador - Northern: Choco Cloud Forest II 2025

Ecuador - Northern: Eastern Andes I 2026

15 Feb 2026 - 21 Feb 2026 (7 days)

USD3,100 - Spaces Available

Book Now

Tour Leader: Robert Wilcox

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD3,100 * GBP2,429 * EUR2,867 * AUD4,607

Can be linked with: Ecuador - Northern: Choco Cloud Forest I 2026

Ecuador - Northern: Eastern Andes II 2026

04 Nov 2026 - 10 Nov 2026 (7 days)

USD3,100 - Spaces Available

Book Now

Tour Leader: Stephan Lorenz

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD3,100 * GBP2,429 * EUR2,867 * AUD4,607

Can be linked with: Ecuador - Northern: Ultimate Amazon II 2026

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