Brazil - Southeast - Mega Birding Tour 2025

28 Sep 2025 - 23 Oct 2025 (26 days)

BRL58,950 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Stuart Elsom

Tour price (Per person): BRL58,950 * USD10,697 * GBP8,096 * EUR9,612 * AUD15,844

Single Supplement: BRL5,250 * USD953 * GBP721 * EUR856 * AUD1,411

Brazil - Southeast - Mega Birding Tour 2026

27 Sep 2026 - 22 Oct 2026 (26 days)

BRL61,300 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Dušan Brinkhuizen

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): BRL61,300 * USD11,124 * GBP8,419 * EUR9,995 * AUD16,476

When most people think of southeast Brazil they think of Rio, Carnivale, Sugarloaf Mountain and endless beaches. When birders think of southeast Brazil, they think – ENDEMICS. Amongst other claims to fame, Brazil hosts a spectacular array of endemic flora and fauna, including more than a reasonable share of stunning endemics. The southeast is a critical endemic zone, one that we will cover in a single Mega style tour.

From Rio de Janeiro, we’ll head north to the lowlands of REGUA for Rufous-capped Motmot and Crescent-chested Puffbird before ascending the mountains around Nova Friburgo in search of such delights as Grey-winged Cotinga, Three-toed Jacamar, Brassy-breasted Tanager and Green-crowned Plovercrest. Moving westwards, we’ll take in the famous sites of Itatiaia National Park, Paraty and Ubatuba for a plethora of new targets such as Itatiaia Spinetail, Serra do Mar Tyrannulet, Black-and-gold Cotinga, Black-hooded Antwren, Brazilian Ruby, Buff-throated Purpletuft and Sao Paulo Tyrannulet.

As we begin moving southwards, we’ll visit Salesópolis to find the recently described Sao Paulo Antwren, Peruíbe for roosting Red-tailed Amazons and the wetlands of Piracicaba for the skulking Spotted Rail both Yellow-breasted and Rufous-sided Crakes. We’ll spend a few days at Intervales State Park, one of the most exciting places to bird in the southeast. A never-ending list of great birds may include Giant Antshrike, Purple-crowned Plovercrest, Spotted Bamboowren or Long-trained Nightjar. The neighbouring Atlantic Forest of PETAR hosts several tricky species such as Such’s Antthrush, Yellow-legged Tinamou, Variegated Antpitta, Swallow-tailed Cotinga and Black-headed Berryeater.

The final stretch of the tours takes us to the southernmost Brazilian states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Superb birding in a lovely region infrequently visited by birders. The southernmost tip of the Atlantic Rainforest of the Serra do Mar reaches the north eastern corner of the state with scenic canyons and upland plateaus typically characterised by Araucaria moist forests.

Southwards, the habitat changes into Pampa plains and grasslands with very few trees. The habitat along the coastline consists of distinctive Restinga scrub with nutrient-poor coastal dunes, sandy peninsulas, shallow saltwater lagoons and extensive mudflats that are home to numerous resident and migrant bird species. We will bird a variety of different and exciting habitats searching for specialities such as Marsh (Parana) Antwren, Kaempfer’s Tody-Tyrant, Scaled Chachalaca, Restinga Tyrannulet, Russet-winged Spadebill, Striolated Tit-Spinetail, Long-tailed Cinclodes, Freckle-breasted Thornbird, Grey-throated Warbling Finch, Straight-billed Reedhaunter and Saffron-cowled Blackbird.

Top Birds

Sao Paulo, Black-hooded & Restinga Antwrens; Grey-winged, Swallow-tailed & Black-and-gold Cotingas; Brazilian, Brassy-breasted, Chestnut-headed & Diademed Tanagers; Sooretama Slaty Antshrike; Green-crowned & Purple-crowned Plovercrests; Three-toed Jacamar; Hangnest & Kaempfer's Tody-Tyrants; Saffron Toucanet; Black-capped Piprites; Brazilian Ruby; Surucua Trogon; Sao Paulo, Bay-ringed & Restinga Tyrannulets; Vinaceous-breasted & Red-tailed Amazons; Large-tailed & Giant Antshrikes; Bertoni’s Antbird; Araucaria & Striolated Tit-Spinetails; Spotted Rail; Rufous-sided & Yellow-breasted Crakes; Crested Doradito; Such’s Antthrush; Yellow-legged & Solitary Tinamous; Variegated Antpitta; Black-headed Berryeater; Canebrake Groundcreeper; Marsh Tapaculo; Spotted Bamboowren; Scaled Chachalaca; Creamy-bellied Gnatcatcher; Green-chinned Euphonia; Long-tailed Cinclodes; Saffron-cowled Blackbird; Chilean Flamingo; Coscoroba & Black-necked Swans; Pinnated Bittern.

Habitats Covered

lowland and montane Atlantic rainforest, cerrado, old cacao plantations, open grasslands with secondary forest, highland Araucaria forest, coastal restinga

Expected Climate

warm to hot and humid but much cooler in the higher lying areas

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader and local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

WARNING: This tour involves strenuous activities and is intended for experienced adventurers. If you prefer a more relaxed experience, please check out our [Explore Relaxed Tours]

our Mega tours are very fast-paced birding adventures designed for the dedicated lister and serious birder. The focus of the tour is to see as many of the endemics and area specials as possible in our given time. In order to cover the necessary route to maximise the species list we tend to spend a single night at most sites and travel large distances. There is very little down time aside from that spent driving from one site to the next. These tours are not suitable for dedicated or avid photographers; inexperienced or new birders; as well as anyone with serious mobility or health challenges.



Ease of Birding

moderate, with some very difficult species

Photographic Opportunities

good, but limited due to nature of tour

What our clients say about us

xCarlos Sanchez
JK - Pantanal 2022

"The whole tour was perfectly organised: the transportation to the lodge, the accommodation itself, and of course the different trips incl the local guide. Our tour guide Carlos was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Everything went perfect. As this was my first experience with Rockjumper, I was pleasantly surprised about how effortless the whole trip was. I will for sure travel with you again!"

Forrest Rowland
BM, Brazil 2018

A Fantastic experience!! Considerably better than I had expected. Guides were fantastic!! And the inclusion of local Brazilian guide - Leo - was a real plus. He worked great together with Forrest Rowland, and his knowledge of the country and the vegetation was a real plus. The mammals and other critters were a real plus to the tour. The facilities, driver, and van were also great! Overall, this tour ranks among the top of the 7-8 birding tours I have ever taken, and Rockjumper is certainly a company I would highly recommend to others!!!

Robert Wilcox
JG & AS - Pantanal 2022

We really appreciated our trip. Our Rockjumper guide, Bobby Wilcox, and the local guides were awesome; always on the lookout for new birds and other animals, even on the long drives. The organization was flawless, the lodges were great and perfectly located. Our triplist and lifers goals were exceeded! The group was great and always well controlled by Bobby. Very well done! Our long sighting of a female jaguar was certainly the peak of this trip !!!

Robert Williams
JH, Brazil 2018

Rob Williams was helpful above and beyond the call by going out of his way to make it an enjoyable tour.

Dušan Brinkhuizen
PE, Brazil 2023

This was my second trip with Dusan and like the first trip, he made sure everyone was looked after to the best of his abilities and was always attentive to peoples differing needs. He worked extremely well with our local guide, who himself was attentive to everyone, and they both tried hard to get everyone onto the birds. No complaints to them whatsoever. I would be very happy to bird with Dusan again and probably will.

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
