Brazil - Atlantic Coastal Forest II 2024

06 Oct 2024 - 13 Oct 2024 (8 days)

GBP2,395 - No Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Local Leader

Tour price (Per person): GBP2,395 * USD3,163 * EUR2,844 * AUD4,691

Single Supplement: GBP350 * USD462 * EUR416 * AUD685

Brazil - Atlantic Coastal Forest I 2025

12 Jan 2025 - 19 Jan 2025 (8 days)

GBP2,395 - 3 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Local Leader

Tour price (Per person): GBP2,395 * USD3,163 * EUR2,844 * AUD4,691

Single Supplement: GBP420 * USD555 * EUR499 * AUD823

Brazil - Atlantic Coastal Forest II 2025

05 Oct 2025 - 12 Oct 2025 (8 days)

GBP2,395 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Local Leader

Tour price (Per person): GBP2,395 * USD3,163 * EUR2,844 * AUD4,691

Single Supplement: GBP420 * USD555 * EUR499 * AUD823

Brazil - Atlantic Coastal Forest I 2026

12 Jan 2026 - 19 Jan 2026 (8 days)

GBP2,500 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Local Leader

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): GBP2,500 * USD3,302 * EUR2,969 * AUD4,896

Brazil - Atlantic Coastal Forest II 2026

05 Oct 2026 - 12 Oct 2026 (8 days)

GBP2,500 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Local Leader

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): GBP2,500 * USD3,302 * EUR2,969 * AUD4,896

Throughout this tour, you will be based at a comfortable and beautifully located eco-lodge, situated in the 57 000-hectare Tres Picos State Park only a relatively short distance from Rio de Janeiro. Here you will explore the numerous mosaics of trails around the lodge grounds and take short drives to explore several other habitats and elevations surrounding the reserve. Some of the avian gems that will be sought during this tour include Three-toed Jacamar, spectacular Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Saffron Toucanet, Green-crowned Plovercrest, Saw-billed Hermit, Black-billed Scythebill, Giant and White-bearded Antshrike, Blond-crested Woodpecker, Shrike-like and Black-and-gold Cotingas, and the beautiful Brazilian Tanager.

This will be a very comfortably paced tour with no long drives! On some days you will have packed lunches, while on others you will return to the lodge for lunch. There will be ample time to unwind and to enjoy birding from the lodge grounds or even while relaxing by the natural swimming pool. Fruit trays and hummingbird feeders placed throughout the grounds attract a variety of parakeets, hummingbirds, and tanagers. Birds are confiding and photographic opportunities are excellent. This tour captures the best of Brazil’s Atlantic Rainforest endemic bird species, and after a week of birding, you can expect to have seen up to 250 bird species, including 70 endemics!

Top Birds

Three-toed Jacamar; Swallow-tailed, Grey-winged & Black-and-gold Cotingas; Saffron Toucanet; Green-crowned Plovercrest; Saw-billed Hermit; Black-billed Scythebill; Giant, Large-tailed, Tufted, Spot-backed & White-bearded Antshrikes; Blond-crested & Yellow-eared Woodpeckers; Brazilian, Green-headed, Red-necked, Olive-green, Brassy-breasted, Gilt-edged, Azure-shouldered, Rufous-headed, Diademed, Fawn-breasted & Golden-chevroned Tanagers; Brazilian Laniisoma; Dusky-legged Guan; Blue-bellied Parrot; Sharpbill; Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin; Pin-tailed Manakin; Hooded Berryeater; Bare-throated Bellbird; Serra do Mar Tyrannulet; Mouse-colored & White-breasted Tapaculo; Spotted Bamboowren; Slaty Bristlefront; Black-cheeked Gnateater; Variegated Antpitta; Cryptic & Rufous-tailed Antthrushes; White-bibbed Antbird; Spot-breasted Antvireo; Sharp-billed & Pale-browed Treehunters; White-collared Foliage-gleaner; Orange-eyed Thornbird; Itatiaia Spinetail; Plain & Maroon-bellied Parakeet; Buff-bellied Puffbird; Surucua Trogon; Brazilian Ruby; Black Jacobin; Slaty-breasted Wood Rail; Spot-winged Wood Quail and Red-legged Seriema.

Top Mammals

Brown Howler Monkey; Black Capuchin; Guianan Squirrel

Habitats Covered

rainforest trails, grasslands, Cerrado woodlands, rivers and wetlands

Expected Climate

warm to hot and humid

Max Group Size

8 with 1 local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Easy to moderate. Some early starts, mostly short drives, one strenuous hike.


Singular, comfortable lodge for entire tour.

Ease of Birding

Mostly easy. Some target species are either of low density or skulking habit, which may require repetitive efforts. Some night birding (optional).

Number of Species Expected


Photographic Opportunities

Worthwhile to good. Feeders at Itororo Lodge.

What our clients say about us

xCarlos Sanchez
JK - Pantanal 2022

"The whole tour was perfectly organised: the transportation to the lodge, the accommodation itself, and of course the different trips incl the local guide. Our tour guide Carlos was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Everything went perfect. As this was my first experience with Rockjumper, I was pleasantly surprised about how effortless the whole trip was. I will for sure travel with you again!"

Robert Williams
LM & JM, Brazil 2018

Rob Williams was knowledgeable about all kinds of animals, and went out of his way to point out lizards he spotted that I would otherwise have missed. I greatly appreciate that. Some of the best moments on the trip for me included sightings of Jaguars, otters, Crab-eating Fox, agoutis, Guinea Pigs, Capybaras and Tegu Lizards. Iguazú Falls was spectacular.

Lev Frid
PJ - Pantanal 2022

Lev was a well kept secret from Rock Jumper ....incredible birder , bird guide, and overall naturalist . Would book another trip with Lev

xCarlos Sanchez
NC, Brazil 2023

Fabulous trip! Accommodations, food and wildlife were all wonderful. Our leaders made special effort to not only get us views of the birds, but to get us opportunities for photography. I have already recommended this trip to all of my friends

Dušan Brinkhuizen
PE, Brazil 2023

This was my second trip with Dusan and like the first trip, he made sure everyone was looked after to the best of his abilities and was always attentive to peoples differing needs. He worked extremely well with our local guide, who himself was attentive to everyone, and they both tried hard to get everyone onto the birds. No complaints to them whatsoever. I would be very happy to bird with Dusan again and probably will.

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
