Argentina Birding

Argentina Birding

Argentina, is the 8th largest country in the world, and a land of striking contrasts rich in culture, history and fabulous wildlife. To the east it is flanked by the vast Atlantic. To the west is Chile and the majestic Andes, rising so high that the Southern Hemisphere’s highest mountain – Aconcagua is found here. Argentina boasts the worlds southernmost city, Ushuaia, resting astride the famous Beagle Channel. Just beyond is the rugged Drake Passage, the gateway to South Georgia and Antarctica.

For its size Argentina has a relatively small population with much of its original landscape and habitat still to show. At its center, the vast grasslands and wetlands of the Pampas hold special birds such as Bay-capped Wren-Spinetail, Curve-billed Reedhaunter, and Hudson’s Canastero. Once the land of the Eskimo Curlew, it remains a key site for wintering waders like Hudsonian Godwit and Upland Sandpiper. Further south is the Monte and the Patagonian Steppe, ever more stunted but anchored by creosote (Larrea) and with birds such as Darwin’s Rhea and Chocolate-vented Tyrant. In the north the Yungas Cloud Forest trails the eastern edge of the Andes, with the savanna-like Gran Chaco with mixed woodlands below them. Finally, in the far northeast is the Atlantic Forest with its myriad of endemics, hummingbirds, toucans, and tanagers.

These offerings are scheduled for 2021 & 2022. Or, you can set up a Rockjumper Tailor-made tour for you and your group another time. With a brand new & highly anticipated field guide out now (nimbly edited by our own Nigel Redman), Argentina stands among the biggest and best countries in the world for nature enthusiasts. Gauchos, robust Malbecs, stunning landscapes, a multitude of tyrant-flycatchers and odd ovenbirds call for us all.

Explore the Southern Cone’s most iconic landscapes with Perito Moreno Glacier and Torres del Paine National Park. Search Laguna Nimez for the unique Magellanic Plover and stalk the Nothofagus forests for Magellanic Woodpecker, White-throated Treerunner & Austral Pygmy Owl. Up above treeline White-bellied Seedsnipe & Yellow-bridled Finch lurk, while great densities of Andean Condor reside here in vast, fabled Patagonia.
We explore the Pampas, the Valdez Peninsula, windswept steppes & endless Atlantic shores. Heading out of Buenos Aires, the wetlands hold skulking South American Painted Snipe, Black-headed Duck, and Sulphur-bearded Spinetail. We’ll seek the range-restricted Olrog’s Gull, while the Patagonian scrub hosts Carbonated Sierra Finch, Sandy Gallito, Cinnamon Warbling Finch, Band-tailed Earthcreeper, & so much more.
A rather tropical tour, key habitats include the Atlantic Forest, & the Iberá Marshes. The sought-after Strange-tailed Tyrant and Black-and-white Monjita feature, along with the recently described Iberá Seedeater. We’ll hope for Araucaria specialists like Araucaria Tit-Spinetail & Vinaceous-breasted Amazon, while chances are good for Black-fronted Piping Guan, Glaucous-blue Grosbeak, and some spectacular woodpeckers & hummingbirds. Gran finale is at gargantuan Iguazú Falls!
Here we target endemics at sites such as Quebrada de las Conchas, Tafi del Valle, the spectacular Humahuaca Valley, and the Yungas of Calilegua Nat. Park. Go for Rufous-throated Dipper, Tucuman Mountain Finch, the flashy Red-tailed Comet, Sandy Gallito, Burrowing Parrot, Lark-like Brushrunner & even the jaunty Spot-winged Falconet.

The mammals are also a major focus on any of our Argentina tours whether enjoying a Rockjumper Birding or Rockjumper Wildlife safari. 

Dramatic scenery and vast, pristine landscapes are all a major feature on any tour of Argentina.

 These offerings can be combined for an immersive experience, or go as stand-alone getaways.
Let’s talk today about how to get you to Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and the land of the Gaucho.