South Africa - Western Bird Photography Tour 2025

11 Mar 2025 - 23 Mar 2025 (13 days)

ZAR70,950 - 2 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Quinton Paul Josop

Tour price (Per person): ZAR70,950 * USD4,025 * GBP3,047 * EUR3,617 * AUD5,962

Single Supplement: ZAR6,500 * USD369 * GBP279 * EUR331 * AUD546

Can be linked with: South Africa - Eastern Bird Photography Tour 2025

Flight costs (Linked Tour): ZAR1,800 * USD102 * GBP77 * EUR92 * AUD151

South Africa - Western Bird Photography Tour 2026

12 Jun 2026 - 24 Jun 2026 (13 days)

ZAR81,000 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: David Hoddinott


Tour Leader: Dušan Brinkhuizen

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): ZAR81,000 * USD4,596 * GBP3,478 * EUR4,129 * AUD6,807

Can be linked with: South Africa - Eastern Bird Photography Tour 2026

Southern Africa’s dry west is a unique and fascinating, yet under-visited land and offers exceptional opportunities for bird, mammal, and scenic photography. A hotbed of faunal and floral diversity, this area harbours two botanical regions found nowhere else on earth: the Cape Floristic Region and the Succulent Karoo. Our Western South Africa Bird Photo Tour showcases these areas and the range of special bird’s endemic to them; you can expect not only great birds, but some of the most dramatic scenery in Africa! Tour highlights include the stunning fynbos-clad slopes of the Western Cape, home to the stunning Cape Rockjumper and numerous other endemics; and the arid and semi-arid areas of the Karoo, which provide another great backdrop for a variety of bustards, larks and other endemics before we head back to Cape Town, taking in an impressive Cape Gannet colony and the West Coast National Park on the way.


  • The pelagic trip into Cape Town’s Atlantic Ocean offers up some of the very best sea birding on the planet. The spectacle is something to behold and photo opportunities are extremely good
  • Visit one of only two land-based African Penguin colonies and enjoy exceptional viewing and photo opportunities of these special and highly endangered birds
  • Exploring and photographing the unique Fynbos and Karoo ecosystems
  • Visiting the spectacular Cape Gannet breeding colony at Lambert’s Bay
  • Opportunities to see and photograph some of South Africa’s most range-restricted and special endemic and near-endemic species including Southern Black Korhaan, Ludwig’s Bustard, Red and Sclater’s Larks, Karoo Eremomela, Cinnamon-breasted and Victorin’s Warblers, Orange-breasted Sunbird, and Black Harrier
  • Excellent chances of seeing the two endemic bird families to Southern Africa – Rockjumpers & Sugarbirds

Please note: these prices are subject to foreign exchange fluctuations.

Top Birds

Cape Rockjumper; Cape Sugarbird; Cape Siskin; Cape Bulbul; Protea & Black-headed Canaries; Orange-breasted & Southern Double-collared Sunbirds; African Penguin; African Oystercatcher; Crowned, Bank & Cape Cormorants; Hartlaub’s Gull; Southern Black & Karoo Korhaans; Ludwig’s Bustard; Cape Spurfowl; Victorin’s, Namaqua, Cinnamon-breasted, Layard’s & Rufous-eared Warblers; Fairy & Fiscal Flycatchers; Karoo Eremomela; Barlow’s, Red, Sclater’s & Cape Long-billed Larks; Cape Penduline Tit; White-backed Mousebird; Karoo & Tractrac Chats; Karoo Scrub Robin; Cape Grassbird; Karoo Prinia; Southern Boubou; Cape Batis; Verreaux's & Booted Eagles; South African Shelduck; Karoo Thrush; Forest & Cape Canaries. The pelagic could provide Indian, Atlantic Yellow-nosed, Shy & Black-browed Albatrosses; Cape Petrel; Southern & Northern Giant Petrels.

Top Mammals

Afro-Australian Fur Seal; Southern Right Whale; Common Eland; Blesbok (Bontebok); (Cape) Mountain Zebra; (Red) Hartebeest; Cape Grey Mongoose; Cape Grysbok; Springbok; Klipspringer; Grey Rhebok; Chacma Baboo; Meerkat.

Habitats Covered

Mountains, semi-desert, fynbos, coastal and pelagic waters, wetlands

Expected Climate

Temperate with occasional rain, can be cold in winter

Max Group Size

6 with 1 Rockjumper leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Moderate. Suitable for all birding / wildlife / photography interest levels and most mobility capabilities. Can be a little tiring due to travel distances. Our Bird Photo Tours are a hybrid between our Classic birding tours and dedicated photographic tours. You don’t have to be a professional photographer or have the biggest lens; this is for everyone with an interest in photography and birding. Whether you’re using a bridge camera or the latest body and prime lens, our aims are the same. • These tours are not aimed at seeing the most species possible on the route, rather taking time to photograph key targets and any other interesting species we may find. Naturally, the overall species list will be lower than a comparable birding focused tour. • Whilst we may use blinds, feeders and hide setups on some of these tours, we will not be spending an entire day nor even several hours fixed in one spot. • These tours are suitable for photographers who prefer opportunistic photography over entire days in a hide. • Our leaders will assist in helping everyone secure good photographic opportunities and advise as much as they can on camera setup. However, they are not professional photographic tour leaders.


Comfortable lodges.

Ease of Birding

Undemanding, most species provide good visuals. A small number of scarce/rare species.

Photographic Opportunities

Good to very good. Some hides.

What our clients say about us

Keith Valentine
MP & JP, South Africa 2018

Keith is a wonderful guide as well as a great person, and we are grateful to have made his acquaintance.

Julian Parsons
DT, South Africa

Our short custom tour with two day trips out of Cape Town was really excellent. Our guide Julian was knowledgeable and engaging and generally a great fit for our small family of three. We found almost all our main target species and Julian was always quick to set up the scope to ensure we all got great views of the more distant birds. As a family with a range of interests including not only birds, but also mammals and plants, we really appreciated that Julian found the right balance between trying hard to find some of the more difficult birds and allowing some extra time for studying plants, especially at Kirstenbosch. Thanks Julian, for a great couple of days! Thanks also to Daniel and Laverne for your help with planning and logistics!

Gregory de Klerk
CG, South Africa

Greg de Klerk worked hard to get us the sightings, to ensure everyone got a "good look" and to keep us as safe and as comfortable as possible. I especially appreciated his additional information about field marks, behaviour, the habitat/area, history and culture.

André Bernon
PO, South Africa 2018

André Bernon was top notch in finding birds and getting us to see and/or hear them. He drove the car like a pro and had everything in control. Everything went totally smooth all the time and we would go on any trip with him again, in a heartbeat.

Julian Parsons
MW, South Africa

Julian did an outstanding job leading the tour. I understand he is a new guide w/ Rockjumper, but it seemed like he had years of experience. His birding skills were superb, as expected. His knowledge of all the obscure larks and LBJs was very impressive. Importantly, he handled logistics very well, managed client expectations and personalities superbly, and was always cheerful and kept things positive. I've got to give a nod to the driver as well, he was a joy to be around. Always cheerful (regardless of tire problems in the Karoo) and willing to jimmy the vehicle around so everyone gets a good look. A definite asset to the tour. I understand these trips run smoothly because of all the support back at the office. Thanks to everyone involved. All of my communications pre-tour were handled promptly and professionally. The whole Rockjumper team were a real pleasure to work with. Can't wait to do it again!

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
