South Africa - Cape Wildflowers, Birding & Big Game (Small Group) 2025

04 Sep 2025 - 17 Sep 2025 (14 days)

ZAR73,950 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Quinton Paul Josop

Tour price (Per person): ZAR73,950 * USD4,196 * GBP3,175 * EUR3,770 * AUD6,214

Single Supplement: ZAR6,750 * USD383 * GBP290 * EUR344 * AUD567

South Africa - Cape Wildflowers, Birding & Big Game (Small Group) 2026

03 Sep 2026 - 16 Sep 2026 (14 days)

ZAR76,900 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Quinton Paul Josop

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): ZAR76,900 * USD4,363 * GBP3,302 * EUR3,920 * AUD6,462

This comprehensive tour covers the most exciting regions of the Cape in our quest to experience both breathtaking displays of wildflowers and to track down some of the countrys endemic birds. We cover the vibrant city of Cape Town, where Table Mountain provides a spectacular backdrop to the immensely diverse fynbos that cloaks the cities periphery. This fynbos constitutes the Cape Floral Kingdom – the smallest and richest of the world’s 6 floral kingdoms. It is also the only floral kingdom to be confined to the boundaries of a single country. We venture to the West Coast and Namaqualand, which boast an outrageous and world famous floral display in years of good rains, whilst also traversing the heart of the country’s semi-desert region, focusing on the special bird’s endemic to this ancient landscape. We also depart pur wildflower country by heading to Augrabies Falls, an area offering unparalleled raptor viewing and a wide range of dry region birds. We invite you on this celebration of some of the finest wildflower and endemic birding that the African continent has to offer!

Please note: these prices are subject to foreign exchange fluctuations.

Top Birds

African Penguin, Black Harrier, Ludwig’s Bustard, Orange-breasted, Dusky, Malachite and Southern Double-collared Sunbirds, Cinnamon-breasted, Victorin's and Namaqua Warblers, Cape Rockjumper, Cape Sugarbird, Pygmy Falcon, Namaqua Sandgrouse, Cape Spurfowl, Protea, Black-headed, Cape and Forest Canaries, Cape Siskin, Cape Bulbul, Swee Waxbill, Cape and Short-toed Rock Thrushes, Pale-winged Starling, Cape and Lark-like Buntings, Pale Chanting Goshawk, Southern Black and Karoo Korhaans, Karoo, Karoo Long-billed, Large-billed, Red and Sclater's Larks, Burchell's Courser, Black-eared Sparrowlark, Verreaux's, Tawny, Martial and African Hawk-Eagles, Secretarybird, Blue Crane, Olive and Karoo Thrushes, Pririt Batis, Fairy Flycatcher, Grey Tit, Cape Penduline Tit

Top Mammals

Southern Right Whale, Aardvark, Bat-eared Fox, Aardwolf, Zorilla, Wild Cat

Habitats Covered

fynbos, semi desert, wetlands, coastal estuaries, mountain passes, bushveld, savanna

Expected Climate

mediterranean conditions with cool evenings, warmer in the north

Max Group Size

6 with 1 Rockjumper leader

Tour Pace & Walking

leisurely pace with undemanding walks, some long drives


comfortable guesthouses and lodges

Ease of Birding


Number of Species Expected


Other Attractions

Namaqualand & fynbos flowers, Augrabies Falls, Cape Peninsula

Photographic Opportunities


What our clients say about us

David Hoddinott
MW, South African Mega 2015

David was a fantastic guide whose love for his homeland, and passion for its wildlife, shone brightly. I couldn’t have wished for a better guide to show me the wonders of South Africa.

David Hoddinott
DS - South Africa 2021

The tour was expertly led by David Hoddinott, who was attentive to the clients and exceptionally knowledgeable. He ensured everyone had seen each species of bird encountered. The weather took a turn, but David was keen to stick out as long as it was safe to give us the best chance of maximising our species. Highly recommended.

Gregory de Klerk
PW, South Africa

Greg was brilliant (the best guide I've ever had). He found most of the birds we were trying for, and always did his utmost to get us all onto them.

Gregory de Klerk
JS - South Africa 2024

Greg and Wade were both amazing in their depth of knowledge of all things South African! They made sure we all got on the birds and described in detail what we should be looking for. Accommodations were lovely (Kruger a little less so, but ok). The Safari was the highlight of the trip. All in all I’d definitely recommend this tour.

Gregory de Klerk
CS - South Africa 2019

As a guide myself for more than 10 years (starting back in the early 90s), I believe I can give a sincere and realistic review of Greg de Klerk's performance during our nearly 2 weeks in Eastern South Africa. With this in mind, I can say that Greg did an excellent of maintaining and overseeing all aspects of our trip from start to finish. I particularly felt that his capacity for maintaining the various and sometimes complex logistics was impressive and well above average. Whether it was making sure that everyone's accommodations were comfortable, or helping us find a restroom during one challenging afternoon, when the restaurant we were eating in randomly closed their bathrooms down, Greg was always "on top of his game." This is not to mention his excellent abilities in the field as well. As a professional wildlife biologist, I was very impressed with Greg's abilities "beyond " just identifying species, so to speak. ln other words, Greg gave impressive, in-depth natural history descriptions of nearly every species of wildlife we recorded.

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