Madagascar - Bird Photography Tour 2025

02 Oct 2025 - 18 Oct 2025 (17 days)

USD8,295 - 4 Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Ryan Tyrer

Tour price (Per person): USD8,295 * GBP6,278 * EUR7,454 * AUD12,286

Single Supplement: USD1,200 * GBP908 * EUR1,078 * AUD1,777

Flight costs: USD1,700 * GBP1,287 * EUR1,528 * AUD2,518

Madagascar - Bird Photography Tour 2026

05 Jun 2026 - 21 Jun 2026 (17 days)

USD8,600 - Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Quinton Paul Josop

Pricing notes : *Prices are estimated and dates may change*

Tour price (Per person): USD8,600 * GBP6,509 * EUR7,728 * AUD12,738

Madagascar offers a birding a wildlife tour like nowhere else on Earth. This unique island is the world’s fourth largest and, due to its size and incredible biological diversity, is often referred to as the “Eighth Continent”. Its fauna and flora have evolved over millions of years of isolation and the remarkable selection of utterly unique and often spectacular wildlife is quite simply mind-blowing. Incredibly Madagascar hosts no less than five endemic bird families and a plethora of other impressive endemic birds, of which many will offer up fabulous photographic opportunities. We will also spend time seeking out and photographing the amazing lemurs, colourful chameleons, and fascinating flora of this appropriately named “laboratory of evolution.” Virtually every plant and animal on the island is endemic; but sadly, most are threatened by continued deforestation, thus making Madagascar one of those “must-visit-soon” destinations.


  • Madagascar is home to an exceptional variety of wildlife including many endemic birds, mammals, insects, amphibians, and reptiles! Often referred to as the ‘Eighth Continent due to its incredible biodiversity.
  • We will get to see an incredible variety of species during this tour including chances for over 100 endemic birds, over 20 species of lemurs, and over 30 species of reptiles and amphibians
  • Our chances of finding at least one representative of the 5 endemic bird families (Asities, Ground Rollers, Mesites, Cuckoo-roller, and Tetrakas & Allies) is excellent and we are likely to get photographs of them as well.
  • Spend time photographing the ‘dancing’ Verreaux’s Sifakas at Berenty and other iconic species such as Indri at Perinet and Ring-tailed Lemur at Berenty
  • Opportunities to see and take photos of several rare and declining species including a number that are considered endangered or critically endangered such as Madagascar Fish Eagle, Meller’s Duck, Van Dam’s Vanga, Madagascar Grebe, Malagasy Sacred Ibis, Bernier’s Teal, Malagasy Pond Heron, Humblot’s Heron, and Madgascar Jacana
  • Night photography is another highlight in Madagascar and the night walks we do are very productive. These often yield several species of nocturnal lemurs (mouse lemurs, dwarf lemurs, sportive lemurs and Avahi’s), frogs, and chameleons
  • Spend ample time exploring some of Madagascar’s iconic sites such as Andasibe-Mantadia, Analamazaotra, Ampijoroa, Berenty, and Ifaty

Top Birds

Subdesert, Brown & White-breasted Mesites; Cuckoo Roller; Pitta-like, Scaly, Short-legged, Long-tailed & Rufous-headed Ground Rollers; Blue, Giant, Running, Red-capped, Verreaux’s & Red-breasted Couas; Schlegel’s & Velvet Asitys; Common & Yellow-bellied Sunbird-Asitys; Helmet, Crossley's, Bernier's, Nuthatch, Hook-billed, Lafresnaye’s, Red-shouldered, Van Dam's, Chabert, Red-tailed, Blue, & Sickle-billed Vangas; Forest Rock Thrush; Appert’s Tetraka; Madagascar Plover; Thamnornis; Madagascar & Madagascar Sacred Ibises; Madagascar Fish Eagle; Henst's Goshawk; Bernier’s Teal; Madagascar Wood Rail; Brown Emutail.

Top Mammals

Indri; Ring-tailed, Golden-brown Mouse, Hubbard's Sportive Lemurs; Diademed & Verreaux’s Sifakas, Fosa (rare)

Habitats Covered

rainforest, riparian forest, deciduous woodland, spiny desert, mudflats, wetlands

Expected Climate

warm to very hot, cooler evenings in highlands, some rainfall possible

Max Group Size

8 with 1 Rockjumper leader & local leader

Tour Pace & Walking

Moderate paced tour suited for those in good health with a reasonable level of fitness. Not suited for anyone with mobility challenges or serious medical conditions. • Our Bird Photo Tours are a hybrid between our Classic birding tours and dedicated photographic tours. You don’t have to be a professional photographer or have the biggest lens; this is for everyone with an interest in photography and birding. Whether you’re using a bridge camera or the latest body and prime lens, our aims are the same. • These tours are not aimed at seeing the most species possible on the route, rather taking time to photograph key targets and any other interesting species we may find. Naturally, the overall species list will be lower than a comparable birding focused tour. • Whilst we may use blinds, feeders and hide setups on some of these tours, we will not be spending an entire day nor even several hours fixed in one spot. • These tours are suitable for photographers who prefer opportunistic photography over entire days in a hide. • Our leaders will assist in helping everyone secure good photographic opportunities and advise as much as they can on camera setup. However, they are not professional photographic tour leaders.


Generally comfortable standard of hotels and resorts. Some more basic lodges are clean & comfortable.

Ease of Birding

Mostly unchallenging, several difficult rainforest skulkers that may require repeat efforts.

Other Attractions

spiny forest, Berenty, strange herps & insects, coral reefs, shopping, culture

Photographic Opportunities

Excellent to incredible photographic opportunities featuring a wide variety of wildlife.

What our clients say about us

David Hoddinott
HH, Madagascar

Our Madagascar experience surpassed our wildest dreams. We didn't even realise it was a 'birding trip' but David ensured that we saw much much more. The birds were great anyway, especially the pursuit of the magical Helmet Vanga! An unforgettable experience!

Adam Walleyn
PF & BF, Madagascar 2017

This was our first tour with Rockjumper and it was absolutely fabulous. Adam Walleyn is by far the best bird guide we have ever had the privilege of working with. His combined qualities as the overall tour leader in terms of personality, ability to deal with whatever got thrown at him and interactive skills were all great. He was very good at keeping us informed of what was planned and was happening next. He was very good at imposing a gentle but essential discipline on the group - rotation in the procession, rotation of positions in the buses, ensuring that everyone got to see the bird - all made for a really good functionality in the group. His sharpness in the field, knowledge of bird calls and bird identification were simply remarkable.

David Hoddinott
D, Madagascar Comprehensive

David Hoddinott is the best!! He is tenacious about getting all participants on all birds!

Robert Williams
TJ & AJ, Madagascar 2018

Our leader, Rob Williams, was extremely knowledgeable, had a good sense of humour and was keen to see as many species as possible. He helped group members locate more difficult species.

Stephan Lorenz
SW, Madagascar 2022

Stephan was an excellent guide and leader. Excellent knowledge, bags of energy, calm and attentive to the needs of the group. Accommodation and food generally very good and local ground agent had logistics well sorted - even internal flights all to plan.

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Route Map

Tour Route Map
